Monday, March 24, 2008

Godfrey Should Focus on Services

Another Standard-Examiner reader gets it "right"

Just to kick off this week's discussion, we'll highlight this morning's Jeffrey J. Campbell Std-Ex letter to the editor, which examines Boss Godfrey's latest obsession, to sway public opinion against the Mt. Ogden Golf Course:

"Godfrey Should focus on services"

Short but sweet to say the least; Mr. Campbell covers a lot of turf in his short letter. We'll add that its encouraging to find citizens within the Std-Ex general readership who are making the same comparisons and embracing the same arguments as are often found on our own Weber County Forum pages.

Comments, anyone?


Anonymous said...

Mr. Campbell was for the most part correct in his letter concerning the Godfrey bull horn.
I think though that the City has no liability in the Eccles Conference Center. They have been out of that mess for a couple of years now.

He is correct on the fleecing of the fleet department, they charge around $1000.00 for an oil change and preventative maintenance on a fire engine. A little exorbitant I believe.

The Mayor is obsessed with playing developer and schmoosing the pigs lining up at his trough, that he is failing to take care of the basic services that the City is supposed to provide.The administration continues to compare the City with a business who is attempting to turn a profit. The City has an obligation to provide certain services, but Godfrey would rather gamble on the lack of or lower delivery of services and invest in the economic development area.

OgdenLover said...

Speaking of services, now that the election has passed just how effective has the "Tip a Cop" phone line been? How many additional police officers have been hired? How is the crackdown on gangs working?

Considering how close Susie Van Hooser came to unseating Godfrey, I'm amazed there isn't more of a public outcry right now. Our water is yellower, our water bills have at least doubled (because the City Council acted like adults and took on this unpleasant job), and Godfrey is busy playing real estate mogul with his buddies while Rome burns.

Anonymous said...

Post election, I'm also wondering how those smell-o-meters the city bought and distributed to monitor aromatic-trespass have worked out? Getting much use? Having an impact? Since the original stories about them, haven't seen or heard a word.

Anonymous said...


Sadly the smell-o-meters were taken up to the ninth floor for a demonstration and when they were turned on they all blew up.

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