Friday, March 28, 2008

Golf Course Update: Ideas to Help Save Golf Course

Ogden golfer suggests mayoral attitude adjustment

Excellent guest editorial in today's Standard-Examiner. In response to Boss Godfrey's earlier request for Emerald City citizens to offer "input" re the purported cash flow problems at the Mt. Ogden Golf Course, Ogden resident Nan Nalder provides Std-Ex readers with some robust analysis, along with some helpful suggestions. We incorporate Ms. Nalder's key lead paragraphs below:
What is the difference between these activities: golf, soccer, baseball, picnics, walks through a city-owned park, tennis, Frisbee, softball, family organized games, music, concerts in parks, sitting on a park bench, any fun family games played in a park, and tax-paid biking and hiking trails? Answer: All the above activities are the same; they are recreation for the residents and taxpayers of Ogden. The only difference with golf is that it is not free to the golfer. Each time an Ogden resident walks or rides on the golf course he or she is charged $18 to $36.

How much do other recreational activities cost? Usually they are free. Senior Ogden residents pay their property taxes every year and are very happy to see others enjoy all the free parks and recreation provided by the city. Yes, they wish they could enjoy a soccer, baseball, softball or tennis game, but their arthritic joints won't let them. They can, however, get out on the golf course and play golf. Why? Because golf is a low-impact sport, and they love the recreation the game provides for them.

Historically, recreation has been a high priority for most communities. Our neighbors in Idaho Falls and Rexburg, Idaho, maintain and manage five municipal golf courses, and they have a much shorter playing season than Ogden. Why do these two cities continue to allow these non-profit recreational centers, and Ogden city doesn't want to? The answer is obvious: They use these golf courses, not only for recreation for their residents, but as an attraction for tourism to their cities. Yes, they see golf courses a lot different than Ogden city does.

What is Ogden's vision? It appears that it is ice climbing, wall climbing, bike riding, hiking, skiing, flying in an air chamber and video games -- anything but golf.

The mayor asked for solutions in solving the debt on the Mount Ogden Golf Course. The solution is simple: Change your vision.
Read the rest of this most excellent guest commentary.

And what say our gentle readers about all this?


Anonymous said...

Great article. The hardest thing about writing it is that it is all so obvious. I am not sure where Godfrey gets his vision but he seems to want to generate negative publicity over stupid ideas then flip it around and claim credit for preserving the amenity he originally proposed to eliminate. Passive-aggressive disorder or just plain clueless.

I'm not a great golfer or even regular golfer. I would much rather play Mt Ogden than any one of many newer or more "playable" courses in the region. Besides being close by and the desire to support my local course, I find the course to offer much more challenge to a mid-distance driver. Accuracy and conservative play are rewarded here. MOGC is a gem and should be left alone and marketed to the kind of golfer that appreciates the kind of play that the course demands.

Anonymous said...

How much will you bet that this thing will be Godfrey's next obsession...


Now we have something to replace that crummy golf course in the foothill.

Anonymous said...

I think that this is the best plan as well. I want a golf course that is both free and a tourist attraction. We need to maintain and improve the grooming and quality of the course, make it free to all Ogden residents, and advertise it as a great place to play with quality golfing and well managed operations. us from Matty. Push this plan through.

Anonymous said...

The problem is, the little dude can't change his vision. He is a one trick pony. This vision came to him in a dream brought by two glowing white guys who hovered a couple of feet off the floor and told him this is the shit that is going to happen in Ogden and he is the vessel this dream is to be born in and of. Can't change stuff when it comes to you like that. No siree, not in these parts anyway.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone here catch the Forbes article listing Ogden in the top 23 cities in America to live and work?

And that's the rub.

It would be one thing if the wagon train of pioneers/disciples weren't strewn from New York to Ogden.

Again... I just want my golf course. The demise of Godfrey isn't my primary purpose.

Our focus on Matty rather than creating workable solution clouds our judgement.

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