Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Fox Guarding the Henhouse Redux

Man who helped develop the mortgage backed security mess has been put in charge of same

How sweet it is! Next time you visit the henhouse and notice that their are chicken feathers scattered all over the grounds, and most of the chickens are missing, don't even believe you're lying eyes when you see the fox, lying on his back, with a swollen stomach, while he's gnawing on a chicken bone, don't even believe for one moment that the fox had anything to do with the theft of your chickens.

Greg Bacon's Blog
Man who helped develop the mortgage backed
security mess has been put in charge of same

April 8, 2008

Good stuff from Greg Bacon's Blog:

It's official, the brain trust responsible for creating the toxic mess known as mortgage-backed securities has now been put in charge of the recent implosion at Bear Stearns.
Larry Fink, as shown here,was instrumental in developing this ticking time bomb and now that it's exploding in our hands, its time to let the original bunch of financial sharpies who helped push this country off the cliff to be put back in charge.
Of course, their will be the usual "investigations' on Capital Hill, by the none too curious Henry Waxman. Waxman was last seen grilling baseball pitcher Roger Clemens. Afterwards, several of the committee members asked Roger for his autograph.
Yes, no one's going to put anything past Mr. Waxman and his posse of well trained hound dogs.
How sweet it is! Imagine if you had robbed a bank and when the cops got a little too close to your trail, up pops the District Attorney who puts you--the head mobster--in charge of the investigation into the robbery.
Read the full article here.



Anonymous said...

Another airline bites the dust due to soaring fuel costs. Oasis Hong Kong Air gave it up. This is an airline that served Hong Kong to London and Vancouver only. Hong Kong and London are two of the richest destinations in the world. The dominoes are tumbling.

Anonymous said...

And news today is American Airlines is canceling 500 flights today... 500 on less than 24 hrs notice... with "more cancellations" to come... in order to carry out wiring inspections on MD planes that should have been carried out over time some time ago, but which the FAA under the Bush Administration's cosy "regulate by saying pretty please" policy were allowed to slide. As they were at SW. As they were at United.

And the beat goes on....

Anonymous said...

Um, Rudi. We already have the fox watching the hen house. Remember, It was the FED's lack of prudence that got us into this trouble in the first place.

And now they're running the whole show, as (hehe) the "lender of last resort."

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