Monday, April 07, 2008

Survey: "19% Say USA on Right Track." Who ARE These People?

Query: Who are these Pollyanna People?

Interesting weekend comments from John Tepper Martin of the Huffington Post:

The lead NY Times story yesterday is headlined: "81 Percent in Poll Say Nation Is Headed on Wrong Track" and the first paragraph tells us this is the highest number since 1992 poll (this Times/CBS News poll was first conducted in 1991) and way up from the 35 percent figure in 2002.

1. The last time four-fifths of the nation was so negative about the future of the United States was in the last year of the presidency of Bush 41.
2. The percentage of people generally happy with the direction of the country has been steadily declining during the presidency of Bush 43.

The surprising thing to me is not that 81 percent are depressed and say that "things in the country have pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track" but that 19 percent are not. It means that out of 233 million noninstitutionalized American adults, 44 million believe the country is "generally going in the right direction."

Think about it - 44 million noninstitutionalized adult Americans with continuing faith that our ship of state is sailing on the right course.

A puzzler is that 28 percent of those surveyed think Dubya is doing a great job, i.e., 65 million Americans. So 21 million Americans (65 million minus 44 million) think the United States is on the wrong track but Dubya does a great job. The ship is heading in the wrong direction, but the captain is a heckuva helmsman. [...].
And now for the fun part (the query.)

Exactly who are these people who comprise "the satisfied 19%?" WHO THE HELL ARE THESE POLLYANNA PEOPLE?

Exxon and Halliburton shareholders? Fans of TeeVee "Reality Shows?" Paris Hilton groupies? Soccer moms on Prozac?

We await our gentle readers' ever-thoughtful suggestions.

Don't let the cat get your tongues.


Anonymous said...

The nineteen percent you are looking for Rudi, are the same 440 some odd that loves the hell out of Godfrey.

Anonymous said...

they are the gas station owners.

OgdenLover said...

Wrong. Gas station owners make their money selling Coke and candy. It's the owners of the oil companies, the arms dealers, and the rest of big business that is running George Bush's government.

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