Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Ogden Marathon: Unqualified Success

An example how it can work when we all pull together

By Curmudgeon

Amidst all of our usual [and fully justified] grousing and grumbling about things not working as they should, I think we might give a nod to an Ogden event that went, from all I can see, very very well: the just completed Ogden Marathon.

According to this morning's story in the Standard-Examiner, there were more than 5000 runners registered for the event. I met some of them doing some carbo loading Saturday night. Nice folks, and very complementary about Ogden, and that was before the race, which I gather went off with nary a hitch and with [this year] good cooperation from the weather.

Big event. Teams of volunteers making it all happen as it should. Corporate sponsorship. Cooperation from the city government. Big success, apparently. And very good ink for Ogden and good reports going home with the runners.

When we pull together and plan well, we can do big events and do them well. There's also supposed to be video of the marathon on the paper's web page, but I couldn't find it. And a little odd that this morning's story didn't get front page treatment [just a banner saying story in Section B.]


Anonymous said...

Also in the Tribune's Summer Event Guide today: a "Discover Ogden" ad by the convention and visitors bureau.

"Big box stores and chain restaurants aren't our thing ... Ogden is independently owned brewpubs, ... eclectic shops ..." etc.

No mention of the high adventure rec center, but a note about Front Runner's family special.

Anonymous said...


Thanks. I don't get the Trib on Sundays, except on line, and I would have missed that. Appreciate the pointer.

Monotreme said...


Since the race was Saturday morning, I was carbo loading Friday night. I bet the diners you met were, too. (Although there is something to be said for carbo re-loading, so if it was Saturday night, that's what they were doing.)

I have run the Ogden half-marathon or marathon each of the years I've lived here. It is, without a doubt, the best-run event of its kind I have seen. I generally run a half every weekend, and so I do a lot of half-marathons, and the level of organization and just-plain helpfulness of the volunteers and GOAL Foundation members is equal to the best I've ever seen.

I told GOAL Foundation board member Candace Gail at the race Saturday how happy I was (I was lucky enough to receive my cool-looking finisher medal from her personally). I've told Kristin Wojciechowski and Kym Buttschardt the same, on various occasions. But I really can't say enough good things about this event.

If you're reading this, GOAL Foundation members, hooray for you! This is truly one of the best things about Ogden, and that's saying something.

Anonymous said...


You're right. We met them Friday night when we took The Geezer [aka Grandma Curmudgeon] out to celebrate her 90th birthday, not Saturday. My mistake.

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