Monday, June 30, 2008

120-year History of the Standard-Examiner

Another multimedia marvel from the Standard-Examiner

Local red meat news is a mite sparse this week as we move into the Fourth of July holiday, a time when one of our chief sources of material -- local print media newsrooms -- typically seem to fall into a state of suspended animation. Having failed to come up with anything this morning which is even remotely politically scandalous, we've settled instead on putting the focus on an item which we believe will appeal to our resident Ogden history buffs.

The Standard-Examiner posted an interesting article on its website yesterday, commemorating our home town newspaper's 120 years in the news business. Embedded in that article is yet another example of the Std-Ex's vigorous embrace of 21st century multimedia technology, which we've linked in the media player below.

It's a fascinating video, we think, tracing the Standard-Examiner's (and indeed Ogden's) history, from the time of the coming of the railroad to the present day. Of particular interest we thought, was the Sd-Ex's critical and pivotal role during the 1950's in preventing then Governor J. Bracken Lee from transferring Weber College to the LDS Church:

Be sure to check out the video and let us know what you think.

And we don't know about the rest of you, but having viewed the commercial, and speaking for ourselves, we're headed down to CJ's for a burger.

We know that's at least one place where we can get some nutritious red meat, even on a slow news day.


Anonymous said...

Oh, for the days when the Standard fought to save Weber State from Gov. Lee's intended transfer to the LDS Church.

Instead, the 21st-century Standard can't wait to transfer Weber State to Chris Peterson.

Meanwhile, for the lunch crowd at CJ's, use your favorite airlines' credit card, as CJ's is one of only three Dining For Miles locations in the county.

Anonymous said...

That was an interesting piece produced by the Gondola-Examiner. I am disappointed they didn't discuss ice dongs or circus rides to nowhere as a community's ultimate salvation, however.


Anonymous said...

Nice video. Learned a lot. Learned a lot too reading the SE's special section on its own history. Particularly found Calvin Grondhal's story interesting.

On the downside, the renaming of the SE's "newsroom." It's now, I think, the "content center." I suspect this will be about as successful as schools renaming their libraries "learning resource centers." I have yet to hear a HS student say he's "got to go to the Learning Resource Center." May "Content Center" face the same fate.

Of course, the most depressing part of the special supplement was the caption on the picture of an old hot-lead linotype machine. The caption said it can be seen in the lobby along with "other historic items including a manual typewriter."

Jeez, thanks, guys. Talk about makin' a fella feel old....

Anonymous said...

Lemme see now...

The right wing Republican Standard merged with the left wing Examiner, and gave everyone from both newspapers a voice.

I was fascinated by the reported involvement of this Kate Hilliard person. You know... the woman who posted socialist screeds in the Examiner, and yet maintained her position in local social circles.

Presumably her socialist views conctinued to flow into Ogden's newspaper, after the Standard/Examiner merger.

Nothing has changed at the Std-Ex since the Standard and the Examiner merged, so it seems.

Our home town newspaper remains politically schizophrenic.

Anonymous said...

On the whole it's nice to have the local paper.

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