Thursday, June 19, 2008

Emperor Godfrey Fiddles While the Lumpencitizens Duck For Cover

Godfrey's "crime fighter" campaign promises fizzle

Despite Boss Godfrey's glib 2007 election campaign promise to adopt a zero tolerance gang crime policy, Ogden's Central City remains a virtual war zone, as the Standard-Examiner again reports in this morning's edition. From today's Sam Cooper story, under the blaring front page headline, "Shooting shocks residents":

OGDEN — A 19-year-old Ogden man and several residents of a downtown apartment building are grateful to be alive today after a drive-by shooting sprayed their building with bullets.
Police said four or five shots from a dark-colored SUV smacked into an apartment at 235 28th St. shortly before midnight Tuesday, one piercing the wall and another narrowly missing a woman and her young child nearby.
Witnesses said nearly a dozen people were near, or in, the apartment at the time for a barbecue, including five children between the ages of 7 months and 5 years old.
“I was sitting on the couch watching TV, then it sounded like fireworks or bottles breaking out on the sidewalk,” said Jordan Nelson.
Then a bullet burst through the wall, sending a cloud of plaster into the air. It passed directly over the children’s play area, and over the head of a young girl lying on the carpet, witnesses said.
“Everyone started running toward the kitchen,” Nelson said. “I went to do the same thing, but couldn’t … I’d been shot.”
Six months post-election, the lumpencitizens, men, women and children alike, are still ducking for cover, terrorized by gang violence, even inside their own homes.

And where is Boss Godfrey and his "zero tolerance," as the gang crime situation continues to deteriorate in our inner city?

Godfrey plainly has other fish to fry.

As Godfrey pursues his single-minded "vision" to transform Emerald City into the world's largest (and silliest) amusement park, we predict custom-fitted flak jackets and bullet proof vests are bound to become the newest locally-inspired haute couture MattGodfeyWorld urban battle gear/fashion statement:


Anonymous said...

No doubt DESCENTE has already sewn up that vest-and-jacket contract.

Anonymous said...

Too bad Grondhol didnt portray Godfrey as Pinnochio, at least the extended nose would fit the little liars true nature. Lies, lies and more lies.

OgdenLover said...

That reminds me. How is the "Tip a Cop" program doing? Godfrey and Greiner haven't been bragging about it the way they did pre-election.

Anonymous said...

LOL, Rudi! As a thirty something Ogden resident, I'm not sure I can identify with the two ancient Grondahl characters who are supposed to represent we lumpencitizens, but Cal certainly got the Godfrey caricature right!

Mickey Mouse slipping and sliding on skates is exactly what Godfrey is! A small insecure rodent, unsure of his footing, failing to do the job of a real adult human Mayor.

Made me laugh.


Anonymous said...

No, Keisha. This cartoon more accurately represents the little Godfrey character:

Mickey Rat

Anonymous said...

Godfrey's public non-reaction to this latest Ogden City shootemup is shocking.

Of course we aleady know Godfrey is soft on crime.

Call it "professional courtesy," or "honor among thieves."

Either way, we know why Godfrey refuses to deal with the crime problem.

Anonymous said...

I suppose that when you hang out with thieves and criminals long enough, a person could learn to tolerate them, as is Godfreys case.

Monotreme said...

Well, I try to keep this to a minimum, but...

...I told you so.

Still, I'm disappointed. My position has always been that the lies he told during the campaign were significant, because they represented a willing disregard for the facts, and if you don't admit you have a problem, you can't fix it, eh?

And to unite the two active threads, we made a GRAMA request for reliable, accurate crime statistics and information about how they were collected and compiled. We were stonewalled.

Anonymous said...

The key information in the article is the citizens ran while the thugs fired.

Had the citizens been armed and killed a few of the thugs, then chased them down and killed the rest of them, crime would go down.

The problem is we live in an effeminate society. You can't deal with masculine criminals with an effeminate approach.

To show how far out of whack our society is, most who read this post will think I'm crazy.

Anonymous said...

Curm, not that long ago you chastized me for bringing up and questioning the lies/not knowing the number of policemen employeyed by Ogden City on the lying little mayors part during the campain. I want to ask again,(Schwebke are you listening?), how many officers are currently employed by the City? This question is a direct one, not how many are budgeted for, but actually working.
During the election it was promised that 15 more were coming on board, and you recall the lying little mayor assured all that the gangs were the reason for increasing the total. Seems we have picked up right where we left off last year, how many will die while the administrative priority is providing security to a bowling ally/gym?

Anonymous said...

Oh , I forgot, and meeting their monthly ticket quotas.

Anonymous said...

You wrote: I want to ask again,(Schwebke are you listening?), how many officers are currently employed by the City? This question is a direct one, not how many are budgeted for, but actually working.

Why don't you ask a Council member or two for the information?

Anonymous said...

Danny, While retribution feels manly, if you can cite an incident vaguely resembling this one that the victims returned fire and it solved anything or did anything other than injure more innocents, I'm all ears. I'm not for gun control, nor soft on crime, but your fantasy scenario sounds like you've been watching too much Hollywood. Crimes never resemble what you see in the movies, your scenario sounds scripted.

Anonymous said...

The Body armour should read: Descente
Made in Japan
Marketed and sold by Douche Bags

Anonymous said...

John Spencer, you said... “Of course we aleady know Godfrey is soft on crime.
Call it "professional courtesy," or "honor among thieves." You have it right when you say, “honor among thieves.” That’s why Godfrey begged leniency for Southwick – when you’re guilty of “white collar crimes” yourself, you don’t want to see a fellow felon punished. It’s just a matter of time until the law catches up with Godfrey. And

Fly on the wall, you said... “I suppose that when you hang out with thieves and criminals long enough, a person could learn to tolerate them, as is Godfreys case.” I have to disagree with that and say that when you’re one of them, you don’t recognize them as criminals – they’re just doing “what’s best for Ogden.” Ha-ha-ha-ha!
Danny, you said... “The key information in the article is the citizens ran while the thugs fired. Had the citizens been armed and killed a few of the thugs, then chased them down and killed the rest of them, crime would go down. To show how far out of whack our society is, most who read this post will think I'm crazy.” Danny, I don’t think you’re crazy, that’s a natural, gut reaction. But you’re wrong. As a concealed weapons license holder, I can tell you, that you would be prosecuted. You might be able to justify “chasing them down,” but you wouldn’t be able to justify “killing the rest of them.” Our Justice system leaves a lot to be desired when it protects the criminal more than the victim, but until laws are revised, settle for killing the person/s who attack you.

Bill C., you asked “How man y officers are currently employed by the City?” The last I heard, 130.

Keisha and From the Sixties, I love your comments and descriptions of Godfrey. You have him pegged correctly – don’t let anyone else tell you differently.

Anonymous said...

On giving up the flatland gondola:

Home ill today, channel scanning between coughs for some distraction, caught the tail end of an Ogden-Weber Chamber of Commerce promotional film for Junction City on the All Godfrey and Friends All The Time Channel [aka Channel 17]. On screen was a young woman described as CEO of the OWCVB [Ogden-Weber Convention and Visitors Bureau?]. She was touting Ogden's outdoor lifestyle, proximity to the mountains, waxing enthusiastic about people who moved away but are coming back for the life style Ogden offers... but then, she couldn't resist it. She began mewling about "naysayers" and hearing less from them all the time.

Anyone who thinks the Mayor's unhealthy obsession with his flatland gondola is over... well, if you're that gullible, I have this bridge in Brooklyn I just acquired title to that I can let you have very reasonably [small unmarked bills only, please]. And it looks like the Ogden-Weber Chamber leadership, still Mr. Hardman I believe, is still in the hunt for ways to lead the faithful over the gondola cliff yet again.

And the beat goes on....

Anonymous said...


People who know how to use guns don't injure innocents because they don't miss. The "hail of bullets" theory is a myth.

Perhaps you have been watching too many news shows.

Reliance on government is no better for dealing with crime than for anything else.

And it's not about retribution. It's about depriving someone of their intent to kill you by depriving them of their life.

And yes, citizen gun use does stop crime, but the media usually spikes the story.

We could go on, but perhaps you will prefer to duck under the bed and wait for someone to save your rather than continue.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Lord... the old "if only the media would tell the truth, then everyone would know I'm right" gambit. Enough. Nite all.

Monotreme said...


I'm not Tec, but I feel compelled to answer.

Please refer to this article in the May 8, 2008 New York Times.

I think you'd be hard-pressed to argue that New York City police officers aren't "people who know how to use guns". Yet, they hit their target only 34% of the time when shooting at people; on dogs, they do better, 55%.

In Los Angeles, the "hit ratio" is 27%.

Before you complain about the "biased" New York Times, this article is just reprinting data in an official police report that the NYPD issues each year.

Anonymous said...

Rifles, Monotreme.

Use a rifle when you want to hit the target. Sheesh.

You're citing pistol data.

Yeah Curm, note the Times doesn't make that critical distinction.

Also, how many innocents were killed compared to the bad guys stopped or killed?

In short, what was your point?

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