Sunday, June 15, 2008

Fleecing the Faithful Flock

Observations on the social psychology of religion in the marketplace

By Curmudgeon

Interesting piece in this morning's Salt Lake Tribune on Val Southwick's use of his LDS faith to rope in the marks for fleecing, and his ability in some places to get local church leaders to rope them in as well.

NB: before allegations of Mormon bashing begin, let me note that the focus of the article is on Southwick's abuse of his faith connections, and on some Mormons' tendency [despite counter-urgings from the Church's leadership] to assume that co-religionist pitchmen are likely to be trustworthy because they are co-religionists, along with a tendency in some Mormons to believe that visible wealth, flashy cars, grand homes, are signs of God's favor, indicating that the possessor of those things --- like Southwick --- is a moral and upright [and therefor favored by God] individual.

It really is an interesting article on the social psychology of religion in the marketplace [so to speak]. And no, the problem is not at all limited to Mormons.


Anonymous said...

If I recall; didn't the Pope not long ago send a message to Catholic followers that it was a "sin" to be making excessive amounts of money while others starved to death?

It would be great if the Mormon leaders also sent this message to its followers.

Another one I'm waiting to see is for religious leaders, of all religions, to receive "revelation" from the almighty telling them that the world is full and there is no more need to repopulate it.

I'm pretty sure God understands the 2 child only concept why don't his followers?

Anonymous said...

To "It's time":

Lived as a "Gentile" among the Saints for 30 plus years now. When it gets to the nitty gritty and the basic or fundamental bottom line, most "front row saints" will tell you that they are in fact just that..."saints" and therefore (by presumption) incapable of doing any wrong. The wealthy and/or highly placed (all wealthy businessmen) "General Authorities" are referred to as "thrice blessed" and of course do carry a certain amount of implied authority because of it.

Ask yourself, "When was the last time you heard a Saint apologize for anything or admit they were ever wrong about anything?" This is because of the fundamental belief that they are in fact Saints in training to become Gods. To admit any wrong doing is antithetical to their teachings (or as some claim brainwashing) since birth.

And as for a "revelation about birth control" don't hold your breath on that one either.

It has been explained to me that the reason the faithful LDS procreate like rabbits/rats comes from their Mormon theology. Specifically that the Celestial Kingdom (Heaven to Christians) is populated by "spirits" still in training for Godhood. And through child births on Earth the "Gods in training still" sort of are standing in line awaiting a newborn body to inhabit for further opportunity to get another life, or "topoff" training toward becoming Gods and ruler of their own planet with attending virgins of course.

Thus for young LDS faithful to not have large families, whether they can afford them or not, is considered selfish and not in favor with Mormon beliefs.

Utah legislature makes no secret of its legislation to subsidize large LDS familes and in more ways than most are aware. BYU students who marry, for example, recieve medicad to pay for hospitalization and births (just one of hundreds of "dirty little secrets" not openly discussed). No sales taxes of basic food ingredients is another example, since the little woman is typically pregnant and barefoot, on her knees kneeding homemade bread etc. Child Insurance Program, Food Banks, Bishop's storehouse, welfare farms, canning factories, honey extracction facilities for Ward useage, and on and on.

As a supervisor, I used to have to sit and listen to the LDS engineers brag about how little they had to pay in State income taxes (due having 6 to 10 kid exemptions) while I stoically knashed my teeth.

Quite literally Utah (LDS by 60%) produces something on the order of 22.6 births per 1000 women of child bearing ages. Bangledesh, the poorest of third world countries, also has the highest birthrate of about 11.4 births/1000. The US has a rate of about 6.7.

So what does this tell you about the 40% of "jackmormons" and "gentiles" being put upon heavily to pay for the highest birthrate in the World, within Utah? It says "Happiness is Utah in my rearview mirrow". Don't believe it? Wait until August when the property tax notices come out.

I'll be paying taxes at a rate far less than 8th highest in the US. And being out of Utah, actually receiving benefit from the public services instead of subsidizing a corrupt scheme of fleece the non Mormons in order to pay for all these little booger picker's education, welfare, insurance, food, medical care and college. Then only to have them produce more on a geometric progression of of misguided beliefs and ultimate economic collapse, as is always the case with the famous Utah Ponzi schemes. This one is being led by realtor/developer controlled state legislators.

Folks you get and DESERVE exactly what you elect. Remember that come November. Or not, elect more Bishops or "big LDS family named legislators" or realtors/developers and watch Utah sink from the weight of the taxes. Taxes it takes to birth, educate, feed, provide medical care, clothe, and protect millions of kids.

Anonymous said...

You deserve:

Well, you've been here longer, but this non-LDS has been here six years, has LDS colleagues and neighbors, and my experience has been different than yours. They seem pretty much like most folks to me: believe their faith is the one true one, as do nearly all believers, but apologize when they need to, as they sometimes do, like the rest of us.

As for some Mormons believing their co-religionists are more honest, more moral, more ethical and more blessed than those not of their faith.... well, after living 31 years in deepest darkest Louisiana, I can tell you many Southern Baptists feel exactly they same way about their co-religionists, as do many Catholics. From my living in Wisconsin and New York, I can tell you there are Lutherans and Jews who think the same. Pretty much, folks is folks.

The "problem" the SL Trib story highlighted is not, I think, a particular problem of Mormons. In Louisiana, the papers do stories on Fundamentalists who use their faith to rope in the marks. The problem is people who believe God gives stock tips. There was one of them described in the Trib story... she prayed and prayed for guidance, and apparently, believed God told her to invest with Val Southwick. She lost it all.

Just turn on one of the god cable channels, and listen to the endless parade of charlatan ministers urging the witless to send in their "love seed" and god will multiply it ten fold for them if they have enough faith.

In my experience, Mormons are no more... and no less... honest, ethical, moral than Catholics, Jews, Protestants [any variety], Muslims, atheists or agnostics.

As for the deluded ones who believe, really believe, in "faith based investing" [you can buy "faith based investing" guides, and take courses... yes, you really can. Yet another way to fleece the sheep.], well, I think they deserve our sympathy if not pity rather than our derision or contempt.

Anonymous said...


I felt the same as you describe for my first ten or fifteen years in Zion.

And I too have lived in many States (17) in my life (plus lived in and/or visited some 30 other countries for up to a year in some instances) and lived with and observed (even attended some of their services) Catholics, Jews, Baptists Northen and Southern types, Pentacostals, Methodists, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Assembly of God, Church of Christ, Buddists, Hindus, and even Islamists to name a few.

But they make up an interesting "mixing pot" of traditions, ceremonies, beliefs, cultures, heritages, etc. in what I have come to know as "America".

But none claim 60 to 70% of the population in any State (not even the Catholics in Mass.) and none have "seminaries" across the street from every public high school. None of the States allow school "credits" for bogus LDS theology and make believe history. None totally control the State legislature through their business offices and occasional "revelations" from their prophet. The list could go on ad infinitum...

But the bottom line, gentle Curmudgeon, is wait until you have been here for more than 10 or 15 years and you will very likely begin to figure out the rather extreme differences between America and Utah.

You are a very bright man so it will likely take you far less time than it took me. Oh, and I do very much feel sorry for them and have compassion for the dolts are true believers in Joseph Smith and the trumped up saga those who followed him have managed to sell to ignorant yet loyal followers. Go to an LDS "church" service sometime. Pay attention to every detail. It will amuze and astound you beyond your wildest imagination.

A highly educated legal mind and sociologist college professor friend once remarked to me while we researched NELA (North East Lousiana) after Katrina, "There are 453 churches within an eighty mile radius of Monroe. And by comparison, there are 81 churches within an 80 mile radius of Santa Barbara, CA."

But they were NOT all Southern Baptist churches and there-in is the difference.

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