Monday, June 23, 2008

More Boss Godfey Propaganda

Seriously: Some "old fart" swears he just forked over 400 bucks to watch "The Godfrey Propaganda Channel"
Truth is always stranger than fiction , we guess

Somebody please explain this idiot! This guy says he paid 400 bucks to have his satellite service disconnected so he could watch Ogden City's Godfrey propaganda channel, Comcast Channel 17? Nobody could be that stupid. Here it is anyway:

I love my Channel 17

View this magnificent video promotion, which was apparently sent to various Ogden City officials -- and thereafter surreptitiously "leaked" -- as per usual, to we Emerald City lumpencitizens -- your never-humble blogmeister being one among them.

Here's a copy of the email, which was evidently transmitted by channel 17 station manager "Bill," to various Godfrey lackeys, incorporating the ridiculous video linked above... once again... to the usual suspects:

Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2008 10:20 AM
To: Godfrey, Matthew (Godfrey, Matthew); John Patterson; Gary Williams; Brett
Hatch (Brett Hatch); John Gullo (John Gullo);; Covieo Wynn R Civ OO-ALC/XP-EUL (Covieo Wynn);

Subject: This is why COMCAST/OGDEN/WEBER CH17 matters. [heur SPAMTRAP]
This is what we continue to hear when we are out doing productions for CH17.
We finally got it on camera. -Bill
Perhaps "Bill" is a little insecure about the pure "crap" that he already broadcasts on Channel 17. Perhaps he doesn't believe his broadcasts "suck up" to Boss Godfrey "quite enough." Perhaps "Bill" would like to give Boss Godfrey a "hickey."

In a world where many cities use their public access television stations to broadcast community events like city council meetings, (Ogden City doesn't), Ogden City's Channel 17 continues to be the Godfrey Propaganda Channel.

And poor old "Bill," who probably couldn't get a REAL job at a REAL TeeVee, station, even sweeping up the film debris in the after hours... is running the whole show on Ogden's Channel 17. It's perfect. "How brown is Bill's nose," we ask.

And then again... there's the moron in the video...

This situation is straight outta Kafka, we swear.

Many thanks to the gentle reader who sent us this red meat stuff.

It's now our gentle readers' "golden" opportunity to comment about this.


OgdenLover said...

An IQ of 100 is defined as the average. Therefore it follows that close to 50% of the population has an IQ of LESS than 100. Many are WAY LESS than 100. The guy in that video and anyone who would be proud of it are examples.

Since Channel 17 (at least when I've taken a quick look) shows the same Godfrey propaganda over and over, how could anyone in their right mind "watch it all the time"? I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

Short-deck sighting, too!


Anonymous said...

What an idiot. It's sickening to see what some people will do get get some attention in front of a camera.

Somebody smack the crap out of that guy.

Anonymous said...

Of course this civic minded genius watches channel 17 all of the time, he uses it as a research tool for his enlightening letters to the editor

David at Home said...

Printed in the local paper from me:

April 27, 2007

Dear Editor,

The videos on Ogden’s channel 17 titled “Ogden Rebirth of a Vital Community” and “Ogden It is All within Reach” has been played ad infinitum. It is a thinly disguised advertisement and pitch by private developer, Chris Peterson, concerning purchase of public land in order to build upscale houses, put in a gondola and build a resort at Malan’s basin. We are all familiar with that plan. I object to the use of public airwaves being used for commercial/private advertising. This violates the Public, Educational, Governmental non commercial guidelines as established by Congress.

In a letter to me, Mr. Gary R. Williams, Ogden City Attorney, stated that “The two videos you have mentioned are cablecast at the request of the administration, rather than any business. They are the speech of city government, rather than of any advertiser.” Should our city government be promoting private and commercial development on the public airwaves? The public airwaves were structured by Congress to be “content-neutral” in order to foster the availability of a diversity of viewpoints. Where is the diverse viewpoint to the two videos? Is the city pushing only one point of view?


David Blosser

Monotreme said...

Not to mention the full-page ad in yesterday's paper ostensibly paid for by "Friends of Ogden Climbing Parks" but with a suspiciously familiar design and typeface.

I'd sure love for someone to delve into who, exactly, paid for the ad.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I know that guy! He used to be my school teacher. You want to know what a real idiot he is, he told me that Matthew Godfrey was the most brilliant student he had ever had -- that Godfrey was a genius! All I can say is the good Lord short-changed both Godfrey and the teach on common sense!

Did you see that one "Letter to the Editor" on how power corrupts?! Boy, what a great quote and so apropo to Godfrey! "Lust for power corrupts . . . " from Ralph Wakley, Summit County:
"America’s Founding Fathers were very wise when derived a form of government designed to protect us 'from our own worst natures.' They realized then that power corrupts and that absolute power corrupts absolutely. It’s a lesson we have to relearn from time to time to keep power out of the hands of corrupt people who would use it for their own selfish purposes." This sure applies to Godfrey! If anyone doubts it, look at his power grab from the RDA Board that was done in secret the last hours of this year's Legislature! Godfrey now has a new title: King of Corruptness! The Power-Hungry Midget! I guess you could rationalize that due to his stature which also is representative of his character, that he feels the need to have total power over everyone and everything. DANGEROUS CHARACTERISTICS! Does Ogden need to change its form of government to get rid of this power-crazed midget? It's worth some consideration, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

You mean suspiciously familiar due to its mangled, sophomoric, dated, error-ridden design, blessed Mono?

Those editors of climbing publications could sure use editors before they publish their treacle.

But I'm happy to learn that OTown gang members will find redemption by climbing a frozen dildo in the middle of August.

Sign up for a crime conference, you dolt!


Anonymous said...

Bravo, David.

Channel 17 has improved a bit. The SE stand-up news summaries are an improvement --- are they still running? And there's a little more original local programing, mostly interviews with kids coming from or going to sporting events, etc. And I admit, I am fascinated in an appalling way, by the "gotcha" tape of the reporter asking young people simple questions about American government or history at the Mall, and their being entirely at a loss for answers. Weep for the Republic.

But overall, it's still mostly the Godfrey & Gang channel and will be until the management makes it station policy to provide air time for those who oppose whatever Hizzonah is all hot and sweaty-palmed about at any given moment... gondolas, ice towers, indoor wading pools, whatever. We all recall Hizzonah going on 17 to oppose a school bonding vote and refusing to permit those who supported the bonding time to appear on what was laughingly then called "Ogden's Community Channel."

As for the gentleman in the film clip... well, you have to consider that he thinks Channel 17 is "the only way" for people to learn about what's happening in Ogden. The only way. I think that says all that needs to be said about the seriousness of his intent to stay informed. Somebody, quick, tell him Ogden has a daily newspaper, before he embarrasses himself on camera again.

Anonymous said...

Curm, besides the newspaper, some one ought to tell lift ogden Jimmy that the Council has a meeting on Tuesdays and work sessions on Thursdays. I'm sure he knew that at one time, but association with that crowd has a remarkable ability to destroy brain cells.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Since the dawn of video media, people have clamored to appear in front of or talk to the camera. Even in our media saturated modern era, people still think they are appearing in something important when some joe blow approaches them with a camera. When people speak to a camera they invariably act as a representative of a particular viewpoint instead of simply expressing oneself. It's a dynamic that is rarely studied and has led to a progression in the way people represent themselves. Nowadays people speak in conversation as though they are speaking to an audience and they take ownership of their viewpoints as though they are paid lobbyists. A little scary when you realize the loss of objectivity and that people of influence are largely representing corporate and right wing neocon pre-fascist doctrine.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I totally agree with the comment above but does this not also hold true for blog sites? At least infront of a camera we know who they are on here who knows? On here it seems everyone is hiding. How about putting up real names and photos so we can see who really writes this stuff. Rumor has it if your beat up on here you must be doing something right.

Anonymous said...

So i totally agree,

Any "real names" with those "rumors"?

Anonymous said...

"Rumor has it if your beat up on here you must be doing something right."

Tell that to Kent Petersen, Royal Eccles, Kent Jorgenson, Donna Burdett, Steve Larsen and Dori Mosher.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Can I ask an honest question, It's OK to disagree with the Mayor and everything else but what I don't understand is why everything on here is so mean and hateful? Please explain to me what all the name calling on this blog is really good for?

Anonymous said...

I totally agree:

Because I don't want the code enforcement people parking outside my house, that's why.

People like Dan and Jason use their real names. They're braver than I am.

Has a Question:

You don't read many of the posts on here, do you? The vast majority of posters are respectful and thoughtful. The remainder are justifiably angry and, like Fannie Lou Hamer, are "sick and tired of being sick and tired." I won't join them, but I can't blame them, either.

Anonymous said...
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