Friday, June 27, 2008

More GOP Crap From a ST. George neoCON GOP Go-fer

The 2008 General Election will be Great Fun, I'm sure

By Thoroughly Disgruntled Utah Republican

This is very interesting. The normally gentlemanly and politically temperate Steve Urquhart today lashes out on his blog at several of his legislative colleagues, Neil Hansen, Sheryl Allen and Steve Mascaro, namely, labeling them a "Cancer."

Damn. These three have upset the authoritarian GOP legislative leadership "applecart," and actually questioned the ethics of a member of the "Capitol Hill GOP Country Club"... and the compliant suck-up GOP go-fers are going haywire. Even the normally taciturn Steve Urquhart has apparently gone nuts. Perhaps "Steve" will get a pat on the head from GOP House leadership Speaker of the house/GOP mafioso Greg Curtis because of this.

And Aholes like Urquhart think it's OK to stifle bills presented by legislators who won't kowtow to scumbags like Curtis and Valentine. And they think "maverick" legislators who "won't play the GOP leadership game" are a disease. It's a sad day in Utah because of this. Sad, very sad.

Isn't there a House Rule, BTW, that says that a sitting legislator like Urquhart is "prohibited from impugning the motives of a fellow legislator?" If so, does this apply to the A-hole from St. George? Or do loyal Republicans get a pass?

As the 2008 general election approaches, we already know it will be great fun.

I'm hoping some hard-core GOP neoCONS will get their asses handed to them in November.

Current GOP legislative leadership is a far worse curse than anything the Demos could ever bring upon us.


Thoroughly Disgruntled Utah Republican.


Anonymous said...


Republican leaders. Where do you find these guys? Wire services now reporting that Republican senators have re-introduced a "marriage amendment" to the Constitution into the Senate. Among the sponsors of the Amendment are:

1.Sen. Larry Craig, [R-Idaho] who pled guilty to soliciting sex from a policeman in a public toilet at the Minneapolis Airport.

2. Sen Vitter [R-Louisiana], the married Senator who ran on a "family values" platform who admitted to buying the pleasures of prostitutes last year when his wife was not around.

But I should be more charitable, I guess. These "family values" Republicans keep warning us that "marriage is in trouble" these days. Maybe it is. I mean, who is likely to know more about that than senators Craig and Vitter?

Natalie Gordon said...

Sometimes I feel like the ants in "A Bug's Life." We just need to remember there are more of us than them.

Power to the (reasonable, moderate) people!

Anonymous said...

Isn't Urquhart the a-hole who hustled the bill giving Godfrey statutory RDA executive powers through the Utah house of representatives?

Neocon scum, allright!

Where can I donate money to his Democrat challenger?

Anonymous said...

It amazes me that anybody is surprised that any republican would be corrupt.

Anonymous said...

Hate to tell you gentle folks this, but about 60% of BOTH Republican AND Democrat legislators are corrupt in Utah.

And the corrupting force (money) behind about 60% of the House and Senate is the Realtor Association PAC money and their thinly veiled surrogate distribution PACs like the Property Rights PAC and other ironically named and grossly misleading graft cooked up by Kyler, Kohler, Ostermiller. They and their ilk write developer and realtor friendly legislation and pass it along the their lapdog legislators.

Attack the root cause of the graft and corruption...not the scumbag clones and BYU Political Science grads who keep the "racket" and scheme alive. The news editorial staff and business administrators are complicent, receiving millions in Realtor/Developer advertisement dollars and therefore reticent to print the truth.

We must rely on websites and blogs like this to get the facts into the voting public's minds since our print media are loathe to publish the truth and facts.

"Tar and Feather" those guys at the polls in November. That or continue to suffer from the unethical behavior and miscarraige of legal rights enjoyed by most Americans and being denied Utahans.

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