Sunday, June 01, 2008

Ogden Neighbors Scared as Riverfront Project Languishes

An eight-year object lesson in the perils of relying upon the "business judgment" of Boss Godfrey

By Curmudgeon

There is a fine story in this morning's Salt Lake Tribune by K. Moulton reporting rising crime in the Lesham City area of Ogden River Project Development Area, and the resulting increase fear of people who live adjacent to Gadi Lesham's deteriorating properties there.

Here are the opening graphs of Ms. Moulton's story:
OGDEN - Neighbors of the promised Ogden River Project are growing increasingly worried about safety as thieves and transients wander among dozens of boarded-up homes awaiting demolition. Crooks come at night to strip aluminum siding from the houses or to steal stoves, water heaters, copper pipes, doorknobs. One abandoned home caught fire in May. Neighbors were told it was a blaze set by transients.

"It scares us all because none of them are boarded up tight," said Jeff Pritchard, who lives on 18th Street, across from a row of vacant homes, with weeds and tall grass blocking the paths. "What if someone were to take someone's kid in there? If somebody were to be killed . . . they wouldn't know if for six months."

It has been nearly a year since California investors Gadi and Miri Leshem, with the city's help, began snatching up more than 50 houses set to be demolished to make way for the next phase of the Ogden River Project. The city envisions high-density housing, shops and restaurants along the river, which cuts through downtown, north of the LDS temple.
And what does Mr. Lesham have to say about his properties becoming an abandoned slum? He's not talking:
Gadi Leshem, president of Cover-All Inc., a Chatsworth, Calif., company that installs carpets and other floor materials nationwide, did not return several phone messages. He and his wife own Ogden Riverfront Development.
Moulton reports that Ogden's community development director, Mr. K. Morey, is "working with" Lesham to determine which parts of the Lesham City slum should be demolished first. Mr. Morey "hopes" Mr. Lesham will get started on doing that right away. But, Moulton asked, has Lesham been given a deadline by the city to start the work? Ah... no. "Morey said Leshem has not been given a deadline for demolition to begin...."

The story notes that Ogden began its River Project eight years ago. Eight years. And to date, the results are (1) one business up and running in the River Project area [Bingham Cyclery], and (2) a slum.

Perhaps Council members Stephenson, Gochnour and Johnson ought to keep that in mind as they prepare, as it seems they are, to accept the Administration's "business judgment" [politely so called] that the ice tower, if only the taxpayers will kick in another $200,000 to go along with the $200,000 plus they've already put in, will be profitable, self-sustaining and a can't miss proposition.

Just like Lesham City.

[Note: while the SL Trib article today is a good one, and welcome, that paper is a little late to this particular party. It was the Std-Ex that broke this story with its excellent print and video editorials some weeks ago. I like Ms. Moulton's work as a rule, but have to admit it's nice to see the SL Trib having to play catchup with my Home Town Paper.]


Anonymous said...


Nice work. Perhaps the mayor is reviewing his notes from that Green Development Forum and will act accordingly, in a timely manner. Ogden could use some green ink for it's Outdoor Adventure brand.

Safety, for the troubled residents along the Parkway (and the rest of Ogden), should be the first concern. Those empty buildings need to be de-constructed ASAP.

Anonymous said...

There's actually two businesses in the Bingham building. A shiny new cafe called Pelton's looks promising. It was fairly busy Fri noon when I wandered over while waiting for my car to get emission tested. Binghams has some nice new cruiser frame bikes that look like just the thing for a leisurely ride through the ruins leshamville(Arroyo Muerto).

Anonymous said...

I was at the Council meeting when Councilwoman Jeske asked the Administration whether something could be done to make Mr. Leshem clean up his properties. Patterson reassured her that they had talked to him about it and he would take care of it. That was at least two weeks ago -- I guess Leshem is like the government bureaucracy -- it takes forever to get anything done.

I'll bet NO CITATIONS HAVE BEEN ISSUED ON ANY OF LESHEM'S PROPERTIES. It sure would be interesting to know.

Anonymous said...

Nice article Curm

Anonymous said...


OK, my bad. I thought all the operations in the Bingham Cyclery building were Bingham Cyclery operations. So, statement as amended:

After eight years, what have we to show for it? (a)One building with two businesses up and running and (b) a slum.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Curm, you chastized me and told me the election was over and to drop it when I brought up lying little matty's fibbing about the number of police last year. In light of this and the recent shooting spree, is it still a dumb question? Have we filled our vacant positions yet?

Anonymous said...


I didn't say the mayor's loose grip on police statistics was a dumb question during the election. And certainly crime in Ogden is a significant continuing topic of great concern. [See the SE's good work on shooting incidents in recent editions.] But harping on his not knowing the exact numbers during the campaign last year doesn't matter much now.

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