Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Fallen Ogden Activist Remembered for Her Fighting Spirit

Twin Tributes from Councilwoman Jeske and Tom Owens

By Dorrene Jeske

I want to thank Tom Owens for his Letter to the Editor in this morning's paper. Your tribute and all the others on this blog the past few days are fitting and appropriate for such a beautiful and great lady as Sharon. It has been extremely hard to write anything because it hurts so much to know that I won't be able to call her, go to Salt Lake with her, to dinner with her and Base or a dozen other things that we did.

I haven't known Sharon really that long -- just since before I ran for the Council. We spent a lot of time together and she was tireless in her support. As I got to know her better, I learned of her back and feet problems and how much pain she was in when we were putting up my signs. That is the kind of person she is -- selfless with a heart as big as the universe. When anyone took the time to really know her, they couldn't help but love her. If you were her friend, there wasn't anything she wouldn't do for you or give you. She was always concerned for others. She grew up in Florida and truly exemplified real "Southern hospitality."

Her ideals and integrity were high and she lived the tenets of her religion every day. She had high expectations of others and would let them know when they were not living up to the standards or oaths that they had taken. She was the guardian/protector of those who could not stand up for themselves and she was always trying to make this world (and especially Ogden) a better place.

The world and particularly Ogden has lost an extraordinary, great and wonderful LADY! She will be missed more than she ever dreamed possible.

For those who may have missed Sharon's Sunday obit, the funeral is set for 11:00 this morning at the Country Hills Ward Chapel, 1401 Country Hills Drive.


Monotreme said...

I want to echo everything that has been said here.

Like Dan, I found much to disagree with when Sharon and I had discussions. Still, she always engaged in fair, reasoned argument with a loving and playful spirit. (Not that she would admit to being wrong, but I still caught a twinkle in her eye when I nailed down a point in opposition to her view.)

I will be at the service today to pay my respects to this brilliant and devout woman.

Unknown said...

I had one conversation with Sharon Beech. After reading Tom Owens editorial and Dorrene Jeskes very moving tribute, I wish I'd of had more ... We all shine on ...
Bill Parker

Unknown said...

Bill- Sharon was an awesome person, and a great friend. Thanks Doreen for your kind tribute.

Anonymous said...

I will always remember what Sharon did for the Neil Hansen campaign. She was one that was very loyal and one that would not give in to all the negative things that were circulating around about her.

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