Friday, August 15, 2008

Standard-Examiner: Time to Alter the Water Discussion

A strong editorial call to citizen action

We'd like to highlight a truly fine editorial in this morning's Standard-Examiner, dealing with the aftermath of the Ella Williams lawn situation. The editorial takes a quick waltz through the facts of the case, examining the equities and Stalinesque approach of the city in re this matter, and then quickly gets down to the "bigger issue."

"Time to alter the water discussion," the Standard-Examiner proclaims in its headline; and Weber County Forum believes the Std-Ex editors hit the nail squarely on the head.

We hope our readers will take the time to read and consider this morning's Std-Ex editorial, in which connection we incorporate the following substantive paragraphs:

But the larger issue, it seems to us, is the way our communities remain wedded to the notion that attractive yards and landscaping are only appealing when they include vast expanses of lawn -- preferably of the Kentucky bluegrass variety, which gulps water like a pack horse at the end of a long trail.
We live in a desert. Our water resources are finite. We should be doing more to encourage people to plant less lawn, or at least of varieties that aren't so thirsty. We should begin pondering whether xeriscaping should be encouraged in new developments. The basic economic model is that if demand goes up, the prices fall; if enough businesses and homes begin to employ xeriscaping rather than traditional lawns, shrubs and trees, maybe it'll become more economical.
At the very least, we should be having this discussion. And maybe someday, we can thank Ella Williams and her brown lawn for being the catalyst we so desperately needed.
If we lumpencitizens are going to embark upon such a discussion, why see no reason we can't start it off here.

Don't let the cat get your tongues.


Anonymous said...

I have a comment (surprise surprise.)

The issue is not Ella Williams. It's the fact that Trentleman needed to write something to earn his keep, and this was it. Had he written about a lack of crayons at Polk Elementary kindergarten then THAT would have been the vast issue we would now be discussing.

Behold the power of the press.

The editorial is wrong. The water in Pineview is not common. It is OWNED by those who have the water rights. If we are to conserve water, should we also move into smaller homes, to conserve space for new arrivals?

Another dumb article justified by a dumb editorial. What else is new?

Anonymous said...

Comment moved to front page

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