Thursday, September 18, 2008

Rocky Mountain Power Backs Down?

24%/month price increase coincincides with installation of new meter

By George K.

In today’s Standard Examiner’s front page story, “Electric utility backs down”, Rocky Mountain Power’s announcement that it won’t curtail service cutbacks is a wise decision. I would have filed a complaint and maybe a lawsuit against them if it had carried out its threat.

Last summer my old electric meter, that I could read, was removed and a new one installed. Immediately my electric bill doubled! The weather had turned hot, and we needed to use our central air conditioner, so I assumed much of the increase was due to that. But when we no longer needed the air conditioner, my electric bill remained more than $20.00 more than it had the previous year at the same time. The increased amount has remained more than $20.00 a month more ever since, which amounts to a 24 percent increase a month. Just because they changed my meter!

I would like to know if anyone else has had the same experience when their meter was changed. If so, do we submit a group complaint with the Utah Public Service Commission? They should be informed that Rocky Mountain has already received their rate increase with the installation of new meters. Does anyone else share my concern?

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