Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ace Reporter Schwebke Drops Another Gadi Leshem Bombshell

Despite the news that Cover-All, Inc.'s largest revenue source is in the process of "flying the coop," Boss Godfrey's confidence in Leshem "remains solid"

There's more information on the Gadi "River Project Moneyman" Leshem available this morning from the Standard-Examiner, thanks to the relentless reportorial efforts of Scott Schwebke. Mr. Schwebke drops another front page bombshell this morning, with the news that Home Depot is in the process of severing its ties with Leshem's Cover-All, Inc. floor installation firm, due to complaints from customers and retail stores of "poor service."

This development certainly doesn't bode well for Mr. Leshem's Cover-All, Inc. Chapter 11 Plan, inasmuch as Home Depot is reportedly "Cover-All's largest source of revenue." Nor would this seem to be positive news for proponents of Leshem's Ogden River Project(s) which, according to former Community and Economic Department Director Dave Harmer, has depended upon Cover-All "profits" for past funding.

Up on the ninth floor of City Hall, however, Boss Godfrey is apparently taking the whole matter in stride. From a separate Scott Schwebke business page story, we learn that Godfrey's confidence in Leshem reportedly remains "solid."

We don't What Emperor Godfrey is smokin' up their in his ninth floor throne room, but we do wish he'd share some of it with us.

And what say our gentle readers about all this?


Anonymous said...

Stick a fork in Leshem. He's done.

Anonymous said...

Can't RFK Jr. swoop in to save Gadi?

Anonymous said...

Sorry Moroni, RFKjr is all swooped out with his cousin Caroline, uh - you know. Besides, the Kennedy dynasty is apparently passe' in our brand new Obamanation.

Anonymous said...

Why does Schwbke city all of Gadi's pipe dreams? Why do they always cite Peterson's? Neither of them has ever done anything locally except proffer some cheesy sketches.

It's amazing what showing sketches can get you around here. Con men take note. Godfrey has come up short and is now looking for a few new men well skilled in the craft.

Anonymous said...

Godfrey is always calling everyone who doesn’t agree with him and criticize his “pie-in-sky” ideas “naysayers” and says that they never offer positive suggestions for downtown Ogden – another one of his lies – I have seen a number of worthwhile suggestions, but he ignores them (because no one knows as much as he). And his association with and support of convicted felon, Val Southwick, makes one wonder if he has all his marbles or as the old saying goes, “Birds of a feather flock together.” His association and suppot with Gadi Leshem (his company was convicted of failing to deposit worker's comp funds) in California, also are a grave concern for Ogden residents.
Godfrey and the Economic Development Department should treat Leshem as they have other developers and pull the plug on him. The River Front properties need to be divided into doable sized projects so that other developers have the opportunity to share their talents, ideas and ability to contribute to Ogden’s success.
This NEEDS to transpire because we have waited too many years for the River Project to materialize since Godfrey first propose it.
Godfrey needs to stop bringing in developers from Califonia who care only for gaining a profit at the expense of Ogden taxpayers. Several of those with whom he associates have a criminal background or are waiting for the law to catch up with them. I wonder when it will catch up with Godfrey.
My suggestion is that Godfrey forgets Gadi Leshem, and gets on with revitalizing downtown as he promised at least 6 years ago!

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