Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Special Message From Councilwoman Jeske

A heads-up on upcoming transit-oriented events

By Dorrene Jeske
Ogden City Council

A head ups! During the February 19th Council Work Session, the Transit Alternative Analysis will be discussed. In preparation for this work meeting, WSU has invited Jeff Wood, Program Associate/GIS Specialist at Reconnecting America where he is a mapping analyst for a variety of projects and conducts research on transit mode funding, technology and the relationship of transit to development, so that the community knows the potential benefits of a streetcar system and planned transit oriented development and can offer input for the decisions which would most benefit the city. Last October, I attended a transit-oriented development conference in San Francisco. At several of the sessions, the importance of planned transit-oriented development was stressed instead of just letting development happen.

I also received a letter from Prof. Byran Dorsey, WSU Faculty Senate Environmental Issues Committee co-chair, WSU Urban and Regional Planning program coordinator, concerning two upcoming Jeff Woods Lectures.

Mr. Woods’ two presentations are scheduled for the WSU Union Bldg. Ballroom at noon on Thursday, February 4, 2009 and later in the evening in the Browning Theater at Union Station at 7 PM. I hope that you will be able to attend one of the presentations. If you attend the one at the Union Station, I will see you there.

The following information is also taken from Prof. Dorsey’s letter:
Reconnecting America is a national non-profit organization that provides both the public and private sectors with an impartial, fact based perspective on transit-oriented development, and seeks to reinvent the planning and deliver system for building regions and communities around transit and walking rather than solely around the automobile. The organization’s main program, the Center for Transit-Oriented Development, focuses on using transit investments to spur a new wave of development that improves housing affordability and choice, revitalizes downtowns and urban and suburban neighborhoods, and provides value capture for individuals, communities and transportation agencies. For further information, please see www. reconnectingamerica.com.
Please attend and be informed about this important issue that will affect us for years to come.

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