Friday, May 01, 2009

RJ Svengali Chimes in on Boss Godfrey's $146 Million Golf Course Makeover

"When we meditate, we see trees and dirt, birds and insects, snow and old bones"

By RJ Svengali

Note: we do not golf.

Our child weekly slides and climbs at the small playground under the trees at Mount Ogden Park, and sometimes toddles over to observe the big kids, active 6 year olds, playing soccer in the shadow of Malans.

We walk, climb and bike in the dead of night, through the foothills and up Taylors Canyon - down Strongs, lurking and prowling, searching for adventure and fortune.

We occasionally play frisbee up in the Marquardt section of the parkland.
And yes, teenagers still duck up there to smoke rope and make out, from time to time.

We actually lived far up the mountainside just north of Weber State for nearly nine months, fasting and studying, once a long time ago, during one of our early journeys through the mountain west.


When some oomans turn their thoughts toward this geographic area, they perceive quite a few billion dollars and, as a matter of rational self interest, they attempt to free some of that up, loosen it right on up so that as much artha flows within their control; one would also prefer to expend as little effort as possible.

Silly oomans.

When we meditate on the same yajna , we see trees and dirt, birds and insects, snow and old bones.


We will have it underdeveloped for the duration of our Northern Utah visit. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.


Bennie said...

As my late uncle Ole would say if he read gibberish like this:

"Svengali, you're about as full of shit as a Christmas Turkey"

Perceptive man old Ole was.

blackrulon said...

Does the reported annual loss for Mount Ogden Golf Course only include the actual course or does it cover the costs associated with the complete Mount Ogden Park? What are the annual operating costs for other Ogden city parks? How are these amounts calculated? Who has reviewed or audited the expenses associated with the golf course? Does Ogden expect city parks to show a profit? Have funds spent or received risen or declined since Mayor Godfrey took office?

C.S. "Jack" Lewis said...

For R. J.,

I aim chiefly at being idiomatic and racy, basing myself on Malory, Bunyan and Morris, tho' without archaisms; and would usually prefer to use ten words, provided they are honest native words and idiomatically ordered, than one "literary word."


Curmudgeon said...



Curmudgeon said...

Well, a little good news in these parlous times, maybe. Last Friday, and tonight, Mrs. Curmudgeon and I hied ourselves down to the bar at Sonora Grill for guacamole and a libation or two to celebrate the end of classes and the end of finals, respectively. Both nights, the place was jumpin', people waiting for tables. Good. Tonight, Iggy's had lines out the door as well [which I gather happens there not infrequently]. I know today was WSU graduation day, so folks were out to celebrate, but still, it was nice to see both places doing good business.

The condos above the shops across south of the restaurant and across the street are now available for leasing.]Still no action in the ground level Junction shops below on Keisle, though]. But the Junction eateries were jumpin'. That's good.

Anonymous said...

Messrs Lewis et al.,

Although we note in passing the voguish conceit of terse, direct prose, we find pleasure in the will to grandiloquence thus: we are lapidary but not eristic when we use big words.


Lenny said...


How about seeing if you can work the biggest word of all, elephantshit, into a coherent sentence.

Donald said...

Amen! Lenny The most important and direct words are generally four letter words.

"Honest native words idiomatically ordered" and appropriately applied.

RJS seems the fool. (note another four letter word)

Arlene said...

Donald, Lenny, etal

I think you guys have "Svengali's" number!

Interesting he used the word "conceit" above. That seems to be key to most of his posts. Another word that would be a perfect fit for him is "effete".

He does seem to be awfully full of himself.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, archaic word useage, what can you do. "Dood, ya'soun' likun
Ho Hum.

Semiotic entropy theory would suggest, lol, the current word milieue of which you construct your own word set is subject to constant change, OMG, like daily. One can deduce for oneself whether the current 60 year trend toward a leaner prose and smaller words has the end result of superior information transmittal.

To our ear and sensibilities, the majority of persons today seem to aspire to sounding like the help.
Or Joey, from the wonderfully appropriate reference, Friends.

Good morning.

Charlie P said...

"To our ear and sensibilities, the majority of persons today seem to aspire to sounding like the help."

Wow Svengali, are you showing us the real you - or what!

To the other words suggested to describe our friend RJS I would like to submit: Arrogant and elitist

Mr. T said...

Poor Svengali... Everyone tramping on him. But it is fun to read such an elitist, arrogant, concieted, effetist, "lapidary", "eristic", fool(ish), jerk. One who likely was told he had a high IQ in the sixth grade and has been trying desperately every sense to prove it to everyone around him. Without success apparently.

Back where I come from we call such asswipes "Pseudo intellectuals". They typically reject God claiming to be superior themselves and thus their own Gods...or Saints. They are incapable of a simple apology having been brain washed since birth that to apologize somehow admits they are less superior to everyone else.

They are generally miserable people without any conscience (soul) and are borderline psychopathic personalities with highly limited social skills. These neurotic people are the Southwicks, G. Ogdens, Perkins, and "former Bishops" like Merriman and so many many others. It (the RJS syndrome)is endemic among those who simply have no basic foundation belief structure...or are struggling to find one.

As "Mr. T" says .... "Pity the poor FOOL!"

Better yet do what I do...and laugh AT the poor fool and then say a little prayer that he finds his way before it is too late for his neighbors and family.

We love this guy.

ozboy said...

Jeeze you'ze guys, lighten up on Svengali. I think he is kinda entertaining. He sure seems to stir folks up hereabouts. My guess is that is what he is trying to do in the first place, what with the high falutin words, off beat angles and all.

Keep em coming Sven, ya got your mojo workin fer sure.

Wm III said...

RJS deliberately stirs the emotions ...

Read thru the lines and you'll find a true, civil concern ...

He's another flavorful ingredient in the melting pot of 25th Street ...

I get a kick out of the tangled web he weaves ... or smokes ...

Curmudgeon said...


1. Have to tell you, RJ, I'm a little leery of folks who adopt the imperial "we" when blogposting. "We are not amused" worked for Queen Vicky, I know, but not for anyone since, especially not on this side of the pond. [OK, OK, maybe for Bill Buckley. But absolutely no one else.]

2. You wrote: "One can deduce for oneself whether the current 60 year trend toward a leaner prose and smaller words has the end result of superior information transmittal." I've already decided. Twitter [all communications limited to 140 characters --- the sound-bite reduced to text] marks The End of Western Civilization As We Know It.

First astroturf. Now Tweets. It's over. Wonder what new civilization will emerge in our place?

Frank said...


I think you're onto something here.

It could be that Svengali is most likely smoking the "hired" help's stash.

Damn, I wish he would share some of it with the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Got a free minute, here goes kids.

Bennie're about as full of shit as a Christmas Turkey.

Nice way to start.
Our response? Perhaps.
We are after all a highwayman by inclination; an old grifter.

Lenny: ...see if you can work the biggest word of all, elephantshit, into a coherent sentence.

Although we assume you know that there is no "largest word", except in ivory tower parlance... we will have a go.
A bird lady once informed us, roughly: pick up some dried elephant shit, roll it into a ball, and squeeze out on to you flowers, pink, red, white.

There you go.

Donald: The most important and direct words are generally four letter words.
"Honest native words idiomatically ordered" and appropriately applied.
RJS seems the fool. (note another four letter word).

We thank you for noticing. Important role, fool. Hard work, dangerous if the king is drunk.
Our own particular idiomatic idiosyncrasies are the result of the road through life that we created.
We own this nightmare personality. Fer sure.

Arlene: ...used the word "conceit"...seems to be key to most of his posts...a perfect fit for him is "effete"....does seem to be awfully full of himself.

We are a tad cocky, no? One might think that experience would have tamed that quality into a mild selves assurance.
Perhaps it comes across a bit more thick in print.
Perhaps, not.

Charlie P: ...Arrogant and elitist...

You say that like it is a bad thing.

Mr. T takes the time to gently correct us. Here is a sample we have the time to address: is fun to read such an elitist, arrogant, concieted, effetist, "lapidary", "eristic", fool(ish), jerk...told he had a high IQ...trying desperately every sense to prove it to everyone around him...we call such asswipes "Pseudo intellectuals"...reject God claiming to be superior themselves and thus their own Gods...incapable of a simple apology...generally miserable people without any conscience...borderline psychopathic...highly limited social skills...the RJS basic foundation belief structure.

Damn. That a pretty deep reading. Some of it is fairly accurate. Most of it lovingly exposes your own fears and reality tunnel.
We take exception to pseudo-intellectual; as evidence we present what we have done with our precious time.
The metaphysical exhortations we will need to put though committee. But, hey, thanks, buying as many souls as we do, we sometimes forget we have one, down in the bag somewhere.

We love this guy.

Oz, from Buffy: My guess is that is what he is trying to do in the first place, what with the high falutin words, off beat angles and all.

No. See, there was truth in some of the above.
We tested literally off the charts in spatial reasoning at an extremely young age, spoke much like Cary Grant from our first words. This in combination with hyperactivity, early success in the music industry, and a danger seeking tao. And we are quite personable. Charming, even.

Stress here for effect: not a serial killer.

WMiii, Billy, accuses us of true civil concern.
We do care. A lot. We are not, however, the weaver of webs. We quote Arthur Freyn, "...In this tale I am a fake god by occupation and a magician by inclination. Merlin is my hero. I am the puppet master; I manipulate many of the characters and events you will see. But I am invented too for your entertainment and amusement.
And you, poor creatures, who conjured you out of the clay? Is God in show business too?"

Our friend Andy Rooney mentions St. Buckley, and informs us that first person plural shall not be used by anyone but his exalted self.
We simply cant believe you used our names in the same sentence. ;>

And Frank guesses that we occasionally, when in international waters, we might alter our brain chemistry temporarily, in a reasoned and celebratory manner.
He might be correct.


We apologize, perhaps belatedly, for any irritation caused by our use of standard Chaotic grammar, which tends to avoid most concepts of "being", and uses "we" instead of I, in celebration of the legionary nature of the personal multi-mind.

And as for us; some philosophers and psychologists bemoan the disintegration or fragmentation of the self in the contemporary world.

Scary stuff, living on the edge of an epoch. Fucks with ones head.

We however, as psychonauts, celebrate this development.

The belief in a single self stems from the religious monotheistic cults having a single god; a virulent meme set, single-god allows for a strong organization, and maxim control with minimal energy input.

We do not supplicate.

If you mealy consider yourself as a single being capable of playing various roles, then you have yet to play the game in extremeis.

The selves must allow each self a shot at its goals in life.
Another Take

Mr. T said...

Psycho babble...Pity the poor fool!

We love this/these guys?

Wm III said...

Sounds like proboscideapoop to me ...

Nonetheless, entertaining ...

We love this guy ...

Tom O said...

I'm with you WmIII, 'cept I'm not too sure about the "proboscideapoop" biz. I have a hard time trusting words bigger than "elephantshit".

By the way, I think we all have to admit good old Ras rose to the occasion with the "elephantshit" challenge. His response could even be the pilot for a new TeeVee series!

Rather you like the particular odor or not, Svengali is definately a breath of new (fresh?) air on the WCF.

So count me in with the sentiment of "We love this guy"

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