Thursday, July 16, 2009

2009 Ogden Municipal Elections Update: 17 Council Candidates Vie for 4 Open Council Seats

Special thanks to Councilwoman Jeske for her dedicated four-year service to her community

This morning's Standard-Examiner carries the below-linked city council candidate update story, from which we believe we can fairly conclude that for City Reorder Cindy Mansell, the past couple of days have beensomewhat hectic indeed. According to Trent Toone's morning report, the queue of eager Ogden City Council candidates has nearly doubled since our last posting on this topic on Monday:
Incumbents won't run / Jeske, Johnson opt out of November battle for Ogden City Council seats
According to Mr. Toone's morning writeup, there were 17 council candidates signed up as of yesterday's 5:00 p.m. filing deadline; and it appears at this juncture that there will be primary contests for all open council seats, with the exception of At-large Seat "A."

Ironically, it seems like only yesterday, by the way, that we were concerned that at least one council incumbent would face no opposition at all.

We have a busy real life schedule today, so we won't have time for googling or editorial commentary as to these seven new candidates who have most recently declared for office. Perhaps however a few of our gentle readers can pick up the slack on that.

Please also take note that we've accordingly updated our Council Candidates Roster, which is on display in the WCF right sidebar. From this point on it will be our mission to fatten out this page with useful contact information and links.

We'd also like to take this opportunity to express our special appreciation and thanks to Councilwoman Dorrene Jeske, who decided to not make another council run. Her performance over the past 3-1/2 years has been beyond exemplary, we believe; and her common sense, financial prudence and dedication to transparency in government have been incomparable, we think.

Thanks for your service to Ogden City, Councilwoman Jeske. You've been a true inspiration to all of us who value responsive and open government. Hopefully there will be a candidate within the pack of seven who will prove to be wise and dedicated enough to at least try to fill your shoes.

We'll also be looking forward to your anticipated endorsements, of course, Ms Jeske, especially with respect to your At-large "B" seat. Hopefully there will be at least one among the seven who've signed up for the "B" seat who'll prove worthy of your favorable nod.

That's it for now gentle readers.

The floor is open.

Whatever you do... don't let the cat get your tongues.


googleboy said...

To supplement your list, Rudi, here is the official Ogden City pdf of candidate's names, with home addresses for each.

I'll go dig on At-Large B, candidate by candidate.

Danny said...

1. Thanks to Dorrene Jeske. My gratitude for her knows no bounds. Her contribution is great, but its true greatness will never be widely appreciated.

2. On bended knee, I thank those good and true citizens who have filed. And I entreat those who post on this blog to let us know which candidates are the godfreyites.

3. With this candidate roster I have hope that the era of godfreyism will be constrained by thinking, reasoning persons, for two years. And may those two be his last.

Dorrene Jeske said...

Thank you, Rudi, for your kind words. It has been a privilege to serve on the Council and represent the citizens of Ogden. I am in the process of writing an "Op Ed" about not running again and the candidates that I endorse. It is almost ready to send to the SE.

My husband and I were attending the wonderful concert by the Tabernacle Choir last night when Mr. Toone of the SE called. I assumed that it was too late to return his call when I listened to his message at 11 PM. I am glad to say, I still have a life and don't have to sit by the phone waiting for the SE reporters to call. I am sure that the same holds true with Mr. Johnson.

Googleboy said...

Bart Blair, Candidate for At-Large B

Bart Blair is apparently the grandson of Ed Blair (Ed Blair Chevron) and the son of Bob Blair. He waited patiently in 2003 while 30th Street was widened and repaved.

Bart Blair ran a 5K in 23:02, faster than Googleboy has ever run one.

Bart Blair graduated from Ogden High in 1991.

Bart Blair is understanding about why people are upset about higher gas prices.

Jim Hutchins said...

Thank you for your service, Dorrene.

Dorrene Jeske said...


You are too kind, but thank you. I have truly enjoyed becoming acquainted with and developing friendships with many of you who read and post on this blog. It has been the best reward for serving on the Council. Thank you!

Googleboy said...

James McNamara, Candidate for At-Large B

Googleboy cannot find much on James McNamara.

There was once a person of the same name who was at Coldwell Banker Real Estate, but he is not in their current listings.

Googleboy said...

Justin Morris, Candidate for At-Large B

Justin Morris is on Facebook and Twitter.

Justin Morris posted here on WCF when he announced his candidacy.

Full biographies and information are at the above links. Googleboy has nothing to add.

Googleboy said...

Jennifer Neil, Candidate for At-Large B

Jennifer Neil is on Facebook and Twitter.

Jennifer Neil wrote a letter last year to the Ogden Valley Forum, WCF's "sister blog".

Again, very complete information on Jennifer Neil is available at the above biographical links and Googleboy has nothing to add.

Googleboy said...

David Phipps, Candidate for At-Large B

David Phipps may or may not be this real estate agent.

As for Mr. McNamara, not much was found on David Phipps. Googleboy becomes suspicious when the only information found about candidates for public office is old, obscure links to sites owned by Realtors®.

Googleboy said...

Roan Poulter, Candidate for At-Large B

Roan Poulter is an outside sales agent for Q-West Sales.

Roan Poulter holds the BSEET from Weber State University (graduating 2005) and used to work at Fresenius and Patriot Construction.

Roan Poulter lives near WCF's friend, Bob Geiger. Whether that means anything or not is an argument currently active on another thread. Googleboy has no opinion on the matter one way or another, but simply reports the fact.

Googleboy said...

Angelo Joshua Roma, Candidate for At-Large B

Angelo Joshua Roma is apparently a 1996 graduate of Ogden High.

Angelo Joshua Roma may or may not be a union representative and a dispatcher at Weber Consolidated Dispatch.

Angelo Joshua Roma has a pretty funny picture on his Facebook page. Googleboy doubts whether it is a picture of Angelo Joshua Roma, however. Angelo Joshua Roma and Googleboy have Facebook friends in common (e.g. Susie Van Hooser).

Further, affiant Googleboy sayeth not. That's the slate for At-Large B.

googled out said...

David Phipps is a realtor and he wrote a Letter to the Editor last year or so praising Mayor Godfrey. I think it was posted on this forum, actually. Don't have time to locate it right now, but it shouldn't be too hard to find.

Jennifer Neil said...

I am interested in working with the Ogden City Council as a team member to assist the City’s governing body as a whole in becoming more responsive to the citizens’ needs and wants. I want to be part of a team that can – and will – launch a new period of fiscal rectitude and confidence. I would also like to see a more transparent, accountable and timely City government in regards to its actions, decisions, and available services.


•Ogden resident since 1980
•Weber State University Graduate: B.S. in Math & Economics
•47 years old, married, son and daughter
•Teach Sunday School, 4+ years

Jennifer Neil

Googleboy said...

Googled out:

Right you are. Thanks for the tip.

David Phipps' Letter to the Editor

Justin Morris said...

In addition to twitter and Facebook, I also have a website,

DrHoneyDew said...

I see that trevor hansen is running, son of neil hansen, I know trevor, a bit arrogant but a worthy man for the people of ogden.

blackrulon said...

Mr. Dave Phipps; As I have no other way of contacting you allow me to use the WCF. In your September 10, 2007 letter to the editor(Standard Examiner) you say several interesting things. A claim of 6000 jobs and 1 billion dollars of private investments. Could you please provide more details on the jobs created and places where the money was invested.

RudiZink said...


Check out our City Council Roster, which I've just now spent the last couple of hours updating. You'll find basic contact info for all the council candidates there, Mr. Phipps included.

if Mr. Phipps fails to respond to your inquiries... be sure to let us know.

Tired but Happy Googleboy said...

You forgot to include Roma's Facebook page on his contact info.

Castle Anthrax said...

Justin Morris, why does your picture include a window view from the Chamber of Commerce offices?

Justin Morris said...

It's actually from the Weber Center (2380 Washington Blvd) on the second floor where I work as a land use planner.

Danny said...

It's kinda funny.

Note how people view association with realtors or the with chamber of commerce as a big negative.

People are smarter than they are given credit for.

Brett said...


Do you think that the association with realtors and the Chamber tends to give off bad vibes is because those two groups have been such ardent supportors of Godfrey and his ridiculous gondola dream (nightmare)?

Googleboy said...

Susie Van Hooser, Candidate for At-Large A

Susie Van Hooser is a former councilmember who was appointed to fill the vacant seat of Bill Glasmann in September 2006. Glasmann, visible in the foreground at 0:33 in the attached video clip, lay down next to a large seed pod and was never seen again.

Susie Van Hooser ran against Matthew Godfrey for Mayor in 2007, receiving 6,795 votes to Godfrey's 7,244, a margin of 449 votes in an election with widespread allegations of voter fraud.

Susie Van Hooser sent her first Tweet last week. Her Twitter feed is here.

There is a large collection of articles on Susie Van Hooser at the Des News archives, the SL Trib archives, and the S-E archives.

Googleboy said...

Mark B. Hains, Candidate for At-Large A

Mark B. Hains is a Realtor® with Keller-Williams in South Ogden. His webpage is here.

Mark Hains' webpage has a short biography and photograph.

Mark Hains has a Facebook page and a Twitter account. He Tweets that he was sitting in a "Twitter class". Googleboy did not know that there are "Twitter classes". Googleboy is self-taught.

There is one article on Mark Hains at the S-E archives (he is described as a 'lifelong Ogden resident' who likes trains) and two of the three 'hits' are about his son, an RM who got married. Googleboy finds nothing on Mark Hains at the SLTrib archives. The only DesNews 'hits' are yesterday's story about the candidates and a 1992 obituary of his father.

Skipper said...

“Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten
pecent a bad name” Henry Kissinger

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