Thursday, August 06, 2009

Channel 17 and the Standard-Examiner Come Through With Pre-recorded Ogden City City Council Video Broadcasts

Watch taped Emerald City Council sessions from the comfort of your easy-chairs

We were quite delighted to read this morning's Standard-Examiner story, reporting that Ogden's Channel 17 will begin broadcasting pre-recorded Ogden City Council sessions, starting this very day. And lo and behold, having navigated to the Std-Ex "Live" site we discover that the the Std-Ex actually furnishes a broadcast sampling of several portions of last Tuesday's council session right there in a video player, embedded within today's online story, (although we'd have greatly preferred to have been offered a gavel-to-gavel, unedited broadcast):
Council meeting to be televised
Still, this is what we call progress. We've earlier railed about setting up such broadcasts here and here, and we can't contain our joy to find out that media entities such as the Standard-Examiner and Channel 17 are working behind the scenes, following through, and at least beginning to make city council meeting broadcasts available to all interested Emerald City lumpencitizens, particularly those whose schedules won't accommodate live City Council meeting attendance.

We have a call in to Channel 17 station manager Bill Francis, by the way, and will update this article when he's able to provide specific information with regard to Comcast Cable scheduling. Channel 17 is of course also available via the net.

Who will be the first to comment?

Update 8/6/09 3;52 p.m. MT: For what it's worth, Channel 17 management has apparently updated its online schedule sometime during the day. According to to this latest information, full gavel-to-gavel council broadcasts will occur at these times daily during the upcoming week: 12:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m and 7:30 p.m .

That's the best we can do regarding Channel 17 scheduling until further notice, folks.

Your blogmeister also had a brief conversation with station manager Bill Francis a few minutes ago. He's been dealing hands on with technical glitches this afternoon, so we didn't have time to discuss the nuances. We'll be sure to report back later however, once we've had the opportunity to fully interview Mr. Francis.


Jim Hutchins said...

It will be interesting for me if someone compares my live blogging to what actually happened during the meeting. It's danged hard to report everything verbatim, and I'm sure there are many mistakes.

Googleboy said...

From the S-E website:

Bill Francis is the husband of Standard-Examiner staff writer JaNae Francis.

blackrulon said...

In an unrelated thread I am wondering when the mayor will respond to questions raised by Dan S. The mayor has his blog on various topics. It is available on the website. The blog entry of June 24 "Ogden River Clean Up" had questions and concerns raised by Dan S. on June 24. The mayor in a blog entry (June 26) said he would respond to the questions in a later blog. When or will he answer the questions asked?

Lem E. C. said...

Godfrey hasn't even updated his blog since July 28. Somehow I get the impression his heart really ain't in it.

Biker Babe said...

I am watching it right now, live on the web ... planning proposals right now.


Biker Babe said...

Mayor just said the words "train wreck"

for the person who said she didn't hear it ...


Biker Babe said...

I the mayor part Borg --

I will not comply sounds so similar to

"Resistance is Futile"
"We will Assimilate"


Rockford J. said...


While I was channel surfing last night between Comedy Central's The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and the Colbert Report, I came upon the always presentable Amy Wicks playing about with Roberts Rules.
I stopped, and sure enough, there was Tuesday nights city council session, complete with Mayor Godfrey stating his intent to commit crimes while in office.

If I stood up in a public forum and said, "I fully intend to smoke weed on Sunday", I am sure I would be near the top of our goodly law enforcement officers list. And, i would be a mere misdemeanor scofflaw, I would not be talking about millions of dollars affecting the lives of tens of thousands of citizens. I would just be another tax paying and law-abiding pot head. He tries to make his crime sound noble, this notification of pending civil disobedience.

But really, what is he protesting against, except for his own ego being slapped back into place?
Out of all the valid reasons in our mixed-up world to commit civil disobedience, all of the injustices, unlawfully imprisoned dissidents, starving diseased children, nukes pointed at our heads, ad nauseum, he CHOOSES THIS?

What a buffoon.

K. Now that I officially live within the city limits, and now that I have thoroughly researched what I consider to be multiple angles on Mayor Godfrey's fiscal, managerial, and personal actions, I can state unequivocally:

I do not support the office of Matthiew Godfrey. I do not think he deserves the respect that goes with the office, indeed, I think his actions show he does not understand the special nature of holding a public trust.

Ogden deserves far better.

Bob Becker said...

Rockford J.:

You wrote: "Ogden deserves far better."



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