Friday, August 14, 2009

Heads Up On An Upcoming Open House Meeting: Development of An Ogden City Open Space Plan

The process will be similar to what happened with the Mt. Ogden Community Plan

We received this email last night from one of our gentle readers, and are delighted to pass this information on to our general Weber County Forum readership:
Hi Rudi,

Just wondered if you could help get the word out about an upcoming Open Space Meeting. The process will be similar to what happened with the Mt. Ogden Community Plan and the final document will then become part of the city's General Plan. This is a very important but laborious process... Citizen input will be vital to help define open space, determine how much is appropriate, prioritize future acquisitions and much, much more.

Open House Meeting:
Development of Ogden City Open Space Plan
Thursday, August 27
7-9 p.m.
Megaplex at the Junction, 2nd Floor
2351 Kiesel Avenue

For further information, read Ogden City's 8/7/09 Press Relese

Thanks for your help,

Caitlin Gochnour
We're quite happy to oblige, of course. The incorporation of the Mt. Ogden Community Plan into the Ogden City General Plan has proven crucial to the protection of Ogden's "Crown Jewel" east bench parklands. It's therefore encouraging to learn that a similar public process is now being put in place to clearly define and further address Ogden City's other still-unprotected open space.

We hope you'll all mark your calenders and plan to attend this most important upcoming community event.


David S. said...

Great heads up. I plan to be there.

althepal said...

Does anyone know who's actually spearheading this? My guess is the council. It surely can't be the Mayor's office.

Joyce Wilson said...

althepal - it is the Planning Office, so I don't know if they are getting direction from Godfrey or not. Is the Planning Office allowed to make decisions on their own? Probably not.

OgdenLover said...

The City Planners were present at the Mt. Ogden neighborhood plan meetings and ran those. They did a really good job of asking for input and incorporating it into the final plan.

My only concern is that we have seen how much respect Godfrey has for the Mt. Ogden neighborhood plan. We need to attend this new meeting and give input, but then watch our backs.

Amy Wicks said...

This is an initiative being pushed forward by the Ogden City Council. Planning staff currently has a lot on their plates and their efforts to make this happen are very much appreciated. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is assisting with this project as well.

It is my hope that we have good public participation for this important plan.

Bob Becker said...

Caitlin & Amy:

Thanks for the heads up. It went on my calendar moments ago. Will be there, god willin' an' the creek don't rise. Will spread the word where ever I can between now and then.

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