Sunday, August 02, 2009

Ogden Farmer's Market is Rockin' in 2009

Well-deserved praise for a weekly Saturday morning Junction City event which is actually working out quite fine

By Curmudgeon

Since it's a slow news day, and Ogden hasn't gotten a whole lot of good ink lately, I thought I'd put up a link to an article in today's Standard-Examiner reporting that Ogden's Farmers' Market is rockin' this year:
Farmers markets report increasing attendance
Vendors way up. Attendance way up. Excellent news, since ham-fisted management a few years ago almost killed it off. Nice to see it's back on track, and growing. It's one of the nice things about living in Ogden: poking around the produce trucks, the artists' and food booths of a cool summer morning, enjoying the kids enjoying "Sundance", wandering down one side of 25th Street and up the other, with a little coffee, maybe a snack and a little people watching thrown in at a sidewalk cafe. I pound Ogden enough for things that don't work well in Junction City. Good now and then to point out and applaud things that do. And the Farmers' Market is one.

If you haven't been yet, go next Saturday. You can't beat the price of admission: free.

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Val Holley said...

And did you catch the part about people coming from as far away as Salt Lake and Utah County? That may be the best news of all. They like Ogden's less crowded, more relaxed atmosphere. It's about time those folks reciprocated after all the business Ogden gives the Energy Solutions Center, Gateway, and Temple Square. I hope they used the FrontRunner to get here and left loads of loot in our vendors' pockets.

Danny said...

If you leave people alone, they organize themselves and thrive, as they do in these open markets. One regret is the city requires a business license for the sellers at the market. The Godfrey mob must always have their cut.

To find out how far and how fast this nation has declined into socialism, note that GM is fully nationalized and the gummint is now paying people to buy cars. Banks are lent money from Uncle Scam at 0% so they can loan it out at 15%. And what is making the economy tick? Well, look at this.

Durable Goods Orders

It looks like the Soviet Union won the cold war after all. We became them.

on a tight budget said...

The prices were way too high at the Farmers Market.

I know the vendors have to pay space rental and also obtain a license but ordinary folks can't pay the price for produce they wanted.

Bob Becker said...

Generally, we find the prices lower at the FM than at Smiths for much produce. But not for all. Lower for corn and tomatoes and way better for green beans two weeks ago. Cherries were good too. Potatoes however were more expensive than at the super market, so we passed on those. You have to look around. Varies by week.
And of course the organic growers ask more than the non-organic growers.

OgdenLover said...

Paying more for a vine-ripened, home grown tomato than what you pay at Smith's is well-worth it. It's the difference between a really good steak and a tofu burger. It's also cheaper to go to the Farmers' Market than to drive north to the Fruitway.

greiner the whiner said...

If only we had a gondola then the whole world would have shown up.

Cathy said...

They need to widen the paths between the booths so it's not so crowded on the sidewalk. This is a very good sign =) I love the farmer's market, I'm thinking about renting a booth myself next year!

OgdenLover said...

I thought the same, Cathy. Since Washington is closed to traffic at that point, why not put the curbside booths out in the street?

monotreme said...


I think you meant "Grant" instead of "Washington".

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