Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Powder Mountain Update: Another Powder Mountain Developer PR Blunder

Congratulations to the meatheads of the Powder Mountain development group for ham-handedly helping splash the Powderville situation all over local newspapers and the internet.

We don't want the day to slip away without shining the spotlight on today's most excellent lead editorial, wherein Standard Examiner editorial page editor Doug Gibson reveals to his Std-Ex readership the folly of the Powder Mountain developers' heavy handed treatment of our valiant Ogden Valley citizens, in connection with these citizens' sudden expulsion from Ogden Valley Balloon Fest activities over the last weekend.

We're naturally inclined to be in agreement with the Std-Ex''s strong editorial stance this afternoon, particularly inasmuch as this morning's article embraces every point and argument which we raised in our most recent article on the subject. But today's editorial goes far beyond what we ranted about earlier. This morning's truly fine Std-Ex editorial gets down to the essence of the situation, and hammers the most important point of all (the one we left out) ...Powder Mountain has once again lost this latest public relations skirmish.

A Weber County Forum Tip O' The Hat to Doug Gibson this afternoon. The same to the Std-Ex editorial board.

Congratulations to the meatheads of the Powder Mountain development group too, for ham-handedly helping to splash of the Powderville situation all over local newspapers all across the country... and all across the internet.

Seems that Herr Doktor Cobabe, and his greedhead developer tyrant spawn, and their various associates, lose every public relations skirmish they ever engage in.

And they lost this one big-time.

Reader comments are of course invited as always.


Biker Babe said...

I myself had to chuckle at the write up on the editorial page -- PM should have thought about their actions' consequences ...

just sayin


Machster said...

It is amazing how many public officials have "kicked the can" down the street relative to the Powder Mountain affair. Especially when it is so apparent that citizens rights have been violated by the legislation.

The County Commissioners, the Judge, the Legislature, and of course the Developers.

I suppose some are at least getting an education in how private property rights are being defended or protected in Utah. How it is actually an illusion ... or a farce.

Bob Becker said...

Some one remind me, please, what time and where is the public meeting in re: benchland open space revisions in the Ogden City General Plan tomorrow?

googlegirl said...


Open House Meeting:
Development of Ogden City Open Space Plan
Thursday, August 27
7-9 p.m.
Megaplex at the Junction, 2nd Floor
2351 Kiesel Avenue

Heads Up On An Upcoming Open House Meeting: Development of An Ogden City Open Space Plan

You're welcome.


Anonymous said...

I have witnessed some scurrilous actions by money-grubbing bastards, sure; and these developers use methodology repugnant to common law, and affect a privileged stance askance of American values.

It is about value.

Bob Becker said...


Dan Schroeder said...

Curm and others: Tonight's council work session concerns the proposed water tanks above 36th Street. This isn't the same as the open space planning process, but it could end up having a lot more impact on our open space. Council chambers, 5:30.

Curmudgeon said...

Comment bumped to front page.

Joe, the Right Winger, Jones said...

D'ya think that the 36th Street water tank is Step One of a Godfrey plan to relocate the MOGC Clubhouse there, to be followed by Step 2, discussions of re-doing the MOGC to fit the new design due to the Clubhouse move, followed by Step 3, perhaps discussions regarding the selling of lands for housing developements to augment Step4, the (shudder) gondola to the Ski Resort to be built in Malan's Basin?

Ya think? But then, who'da thunk it?

Casey Jones said...

ALL ON BOARD! Me thinks that Bill C thinks this way, too.

disgusted said...

Joe, the Right Winger, Jones

you obviously see a plan of action here. steps 1 through 4. is this what you think the administration is up to. do you like this plan.

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