Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ogden Open Space Plan Meeting - 4/15/10

Now is your chance to influence Ogden's Open Space Plan before it goes to the Planning Commission and City Council for approval

Gentle reader
BAT_girl just sent us notice of an important upcoming Ogden City event, which is just what the doctor ordered for this otherwise s-l-o-o-o-o-w news day:

The Ogden Planning Department will unveil the first draft of Ogden's new Open Space Plan. Now is your chance to influence this plan before it goes to the Planning Commission and City Council for approval. Please attend and make your voice heard!

DATE: Thursday, April 15
TIME: 7 p.m. - 10p.m.
PLACE: Megaplex @ The Junction in the 2nd FL Meeting Room (23rd & Kiesel)

This is the follow-up to the meeting in July 2009 on Open Space in Ogden. More feedback will be needed this time. Come see if they listened to what was said, last time:
Protect Ogden's Open Space!
Be sure to mark your calenders, folks.


Monotreme said...

Ironic, isn't it, that an Open Space meeting is being held in the most manufactured, mortgaged, developer-encrusted space we have in Ogden: The Junction.

Kinda like holding an organic food conference at McDonald's.

BAT_girl said...

Personally..........I LOVE IRONY.

The meeting held last JULY 2009 was in the same room at that location. Actually, you get a wonderful view of MT OGDEN and the EAST BENCH.........generally. So it gives the AUDIENCE lots of time to think about what OPEN SPACE in OGDEN CITY means to each person.

In FACT........I seem to remember you could see the MT OGDEN GOLF COURSE........perfectly........ from this room.

Bob Becker said...

Venue's fine with me. Centrally located. Lots of parking nearby. And a bar a very short walk across a narrow street, should the need arise post meeting. Looks like at least somebody in the planning office did some good planning.

BAT_girl said...

I know THAT BAR. Too bad it's not TACO TUESDAY.

Still, a BAR is a BAR. Great meeting place, actually. We can go for a rehash of whatever happens @ the Megaplex.

At the JULY meeting, there was a lot of feedback from the audience. A wide variety of people weighed in on what they wanted to see DONE with OPEN SPACE in Ogden that was still OPEN. One point that was made by several different people was that NO ONE wanted to see counted as OPEN SPACE........areas that were not really PARKS or true open space. For example, CEMETERIES should not be counted as OPEN SPACE, just because some people like to walk through them. LANDFILL should NOT be counted as open space, until it have been properly vented/ treated and covered over to become a PARK.

The number of ACRES per person that was supposed to be OPTIMUM to be kept as OPEN SPACE was discussed. But no one was certain if that was supposed to be 2.2 acres per person or less. Does anyone here know?

David S. said...

So the the city will decide whether to convert more "private property" into "Ogden City socialist utopia dirt lot with Available sign property" on April 13.

Then the meeting to view what I fear is "Godfrey's carefully worded open space ordinance" is on April 15.

Well there goes that week.

See all you there. Sigh.

Bob Becker said...


Setting the meet for that venue on a Taco Tuesday would have been really good planning. Maybe next time.

David S. said...


Agreed. Sonora Grill has a nice taco Tuesday - and a good early bird special - try the veg enchiladas. It's nice to take the wife out for a nice meal and feel good that it was cheap too!

BAT_girl said...

Taco Tuesday aside, now is the TIME for all you NON GOLFERS to walk all of MT OGDEN GOLF COURSE. There is almost NO SNOW on it. It is LEGAL to walk your dog on ALL 18 HOLES at this time of year. It is squishy but wide open.

I have gone there a few times with the dog, to see just how BIG it is and how the views are. A great way to see what we are FIGHTING FOR.

Monotreme said...

But, but, but, BAT_girl. That's a blighted area.

Probably not safe to go there.

Monotreme said...

Donald Trump Parody, meet Mayor Matthew Godfrey Parody.

Biker Babe said...

Mono - at least DT is gonna use his own money, not the poor people's.


Jim Hutchins said...

Comment bumped to top shelf

blackrulon said...

It appears that during the administration of Matthew Godfrey almost all of Ogden has earned blight designation. Is the 9th floor office of Mayor Godfrey considered a blighted area?

BAT_girl said...


David S. said...
Then the meeting to view what I fear is "Godfrey's carefully worded open space ordinance" is on April 15......

So........organize your OWN SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP and get them to SHOW UP at this meeting and SPEAK UP. At the last meeting many members of the audience of 100 people (approx) spoke up. The Planning Committee people running the meeting were regularly told by audience members where their logic was faulty. Audience members regularly told the PLANNING COMMISSION what they wanted, re: OPEN SPACE in OGDEN CITY.

Besides.........look at who is on the OGDEN CITY COUNCIL.........You know ALL/ most OC C members, past and present.........will show up at this meeting. They were there last July too. And THAT meeting was kept "secret" until about 5 days before it happened.

BAT_girl said...

Interesting STATS on OPEN SPACE on web site of:


A core goal of smart growth is to encourage and attract investment into existing communities, and to ensure that residents in those communities have access to parks and recreational opportunities that make neighborhoods more enjoyable.

In the process, smart growth preserves farmland, ranchland and open space in rural areas by decreasing the pressure to develop there. The opposite is also true. Programs to preserve open space and farmland can aid efforts to direct growth into existing communities, protect the environment and make communities more livable. Read on to find out more about the relationship between sprawl, smart growth, and open space and farmland preservation.

SO.......FARMLAND COUNTS TOO. But not Cemeteries.


Former Senator Garn and Former Senator Killpack are sitting in a hot tub.

A condom floats to the hot tub surface, within the view of both of them.

Former Senator Garn says this to former Senator Killpack:

"Farting in the hot tub is not allowed."

George K said...

It will be interesting to see what the Planning Dept. did with the comments from last year's open space meeting. I'm betting that they took back seat to Godfrey's comments.

I hope that we are able to have some influence on the open space decision. We DO need to attend! Godfrey has a hearing problem when it comes to hearing anything that does not agree with what he wants.

Maybe we should organize and have groups make big banners that state we want to keep the open spaces in the East Bench and display them at the meeting! Hopefully, Godfrey isn't as blind as he is deaf.

BAT_girl said...

At the OPEN SPACE meeting JULY 2009 people who wanted to comment just stood up and stayed standing until they got recognized to speak. I do not think banners recommending special interest groups are necessary.

Considering who is on the OGDEN CITY COUNCIL NOW........and considering how many greater Ogden/ Weber county web sites (not just this blog) and FB sites are following this debate, TEAM Godfrey will not succeed in ignoring what people want if they SHOW UP, STAND UP and SPEAK UP.

At the last meeting this room was almost half full with about 100 people, sitting and standing. I think the room capacity is about 250, including standing room.

Again, this blog site is only ONE of the sites where this information is posted. AND all sites are linked to this discussion. So thanks for keeping it going.

Rudi said he will put this same discussion of PAGE ONE of WCF on MON APR 13, and keep all the comments that are posted here. Just let it run again.

Keep posting any thoughts you have.

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