Friday, June 18, 2010

Mike Lee Backs Out of Utah Federation of Republican Women Saturday Night Debate

If nothing else we suppose, this latest development adds interest to what's been up until now a real yawner of a Senate race

Whoa! The Paul Rolley reports that GOP Senatorial candidate Mike Lee has backed out of a pre-primary Utah Federation of Republican Women intra-party debate which was originally scheduled in Salt Lake for Saturday night:
Rolly: GOP women in the cross hairs
We'll volunteer off the cuff that we question the wisdom of Lee's last minute cancellation. But it's Lee's campaign to lose though... so if he chooses to run the risk of possibility of alienating half the Utah electorate, that's his choice, right?

We checked out Lee's Facebook page, and didn't find anything that we could accurately describe as the "trash talk" which Mr. Rolley describes in his above column; although we did find this statement, which would seem to indicate that candidate Lee hasn't been exactly following a pattern of "running and hiding":

In regards to the UFRW debate, the campaign has had eight joint appearances and debates with the opponent this week alone, including four today. The UFRW changed the venue location from the neutral location of the University of Utah to our opponent's finance chairman's business. We were not allowed to insert a campaign volunteer into the question vetting process. As such, we have determined not to attend the debate, but welcome voters to attend public debates either tonight at UVU or on in Bountiful on Saturday.
If nothing else, we suppose, this latest development adds interest to what's been up until now a real yawner of a Senate race; and as to the question of whether Lee's snubbing of the most politically active GOP women's organization in all of Utah will result in a mass voter exodus to the Tim Bridgewater campaign, we'll soon find out.

Don't forget next week's primary, GOP voters. Weber County polls are open Tuesday at 7:00 a.m.

And what about it, GOP voters? How, if at all, will this apparent MIKE LEE BLUNDER affect YOUR vote?


Dorrene Jeske said...

I heard Mike Lee speak at a Republican Women's meeting a few months ago, and decided then that I wouldn't be voting for him - for one thing, he's an attorney - they're glib, silvered tongued talkers and most have no scruples. I haven't heard Bridgewater yet, but I understand that he is just the opposite - sounds like a country dork when he speaks. I think that shouldn't be a factor. Look at his stand on the issues and his record. When I was first elected to the council people were turned-off because I had trouble expressing myself. My suggestion is to look at each candidate, his character -- is he honest and trustworthy? Where does he stand on the issues? Does he listen to people? Let's get someone in Congress who will truly represent the people. Don't vote for a person just because he belongs to a certain party -- VOTE FOR THE MAN!

Joanne G. said...

There you have it, people. This Provo "Rebublican" Lee committed to a major debate event, promoted by Utah's most prominent and influential Utah Utah Womens' political group.

And then he quietly and impolitely pulled out. Only after the women sponsoring the debate actually tracked him down, only then only did this little scamp Lee reveal that he'd totally blown the whole event off.

There you have it, Utah women! The inside skinny (and my intuition) says you'll vote against this "man."

As a registered Utah GOP woman, I know who I'll be voting for; and it won't be that anti-woman MOMO Mike Lee!

With this one latest blunder, Mike Lee has displayed his bad character.

Vote Bridgwater on Tuesday!

One who votes said...

I agree with Doreen, but add don't vote for party or religion. Become an informed voter, ask questions.

ozboy said...

If there is any validity to Lee's excuse for bailing out of the debate - "they were Bridgewater surrogates setting him up in unfriendly territory", then it seems some what similar to what the punk Godfrey tried to do with the debates in the last Ogden council election. If memory serves, Godfrey insisted on having the debate at his office controlled by his people or he wouldn't allow it to go on the public TeeVee, which of course is technically owned by all the citizens of Ogden although nothing gets on the station that he doesn't personally approve of.

Bob Becker said...

Ah, I do like to watch Republicans tear into each other. [I guess Mr. Reagan's "11th Commandment" was interred with him when he died.]

disillusioned said...

I'll tell ya this: a guy who can't throw a football any better than he does does not sdeserve a vote for the senate. As Rudy says, this one's a real "yawner," 2 guys who nobody but inner circle part hacks knows much about.

Is this what we've come to? Bridgewater vs Lee to replace Bennett (whose really too damned old to fill another term). What a sad state of affairs we find ourselves in. As someone said, years ago, "where's the beef?"

And we have Obama leading the way. For a guy with a law degree from Harvard, he sur seems like a huge disappointment; and McCain ain't much better. When he speaks, he puts me to sleep.

I think Romney would be the best fit for the presidency and as far as Utah's Jr. Senator, hell, why not someone from the business community who knows how to read a balance sheet and P&L Statement. Politics, these days, have turned into a bloody joke.

Danny said...


Only gabby airheads, like the Geigers, didn't like you.

Contrary to the old saying, same actually attracts.

Look how much they like Godfrey. Look at the people who like Godfrey.

Danny said...

Well I took your advice Dorrene, and checked out the position of both candidates on their web pages.

I was leaning heavily to Mike Lee, until I saw some of his endorsements. Some of those endorsements are good people and some are the scum of the earth.

Now I'm not so sure.

It looks like both candidates are talking, at least, good positions. Which ones really mean it? Which really feel it? Which will fight, and which will go along to be part of the crowd, like Beltway Bob did?

As far as Lee dropping a debate where he felt he was getting the shaft, good for him. Susie VanHooser didn't go into Godfrey territory to get slaughtered, and I agreed with her decision too.

AWM said...

He's a lawyer and represents will be a cold day in Hell when he gets my vote!

Danny said...


All in all I would pick Bridgewater, based on Dorrene seeming to like him.

But the question is, will he have the sand to stand up for his values?

The people in Washington, like those in Ogden City's career bureaucratic ranks, are infested with parasites who make a living conning elected officials, like they conned the sycophantic Bob Bennett, and like they conned the energetic but naive Matt Godfrey, turning both weak minded men into the very evil they ran against.

If Lee goes to Washington to push the values he espouses for no other reason that his own political career, that's good enough. At least they will get pushed. Right now, Ron Paul is about the only one standing for anything that I agree with.

When you hire somebody, you want somebody who will do the job. Nice guys can work in the soup kitchens.

SpeckUp said...

The "Debate and Switch" story is incomplete when you leave out Cherilyn Eager going all out as Bridgewater's official attack dog. As the communication director for UFRW, she is surely responsible for the debate retraction which obviously wasn't intended to be as impartial as claimed:

"Utah Republican Women announce Tim Bridgewater's commitment to appear at debate despite opponent's unexplained cancellation

June 17, 2010, Salt Lake City, UT. Darcy Kruitbosch, President of the Utah Federation of Republican Women, announced today that U.S. Senate Republican candidate, Mike Lee, has cancelled his commitment to appear at a UFRW/WRC sponsored debate with opponent Tim Bridgewater. No excuse or apology was offered for the last-minute cancellation.

"It goes without saying that we are extremely disappointed in Mike Lee's decision to cancel his commitment to appear at our debate. We are further dismayed that no explanation or apology was offered. Numerous volunteers have spent countless hours in preparation for this event. Furthermore, we feel it important to offer an apology to former Utah Governor, Olene Walker, who changed travel plans, at her personal expense, to serve as moderator of this event," Mrs. Kruitbosch said.

U.S. Senate candidate, Tim Bridgewater, has committed to attend despite Mike Lee's unexplained withdrawal. Please join us this Saturday, June 19th, from 6-7:30 PM, at the Merit Medical Complex (1600 West Merit Parkway, South Jordan, UT) as we celebrate Republican women across the State of Utah. (To access Merit Medical Complex, enter off of Redwood Road at 9850 South.)

Given their reported discussions with Mike Lee, this was neither unexplained, nor unreliable.

People claiming that Lee is somehow alienating women are just parroting the strategy of the slanted debate. More third party mud slinging, nothing to see here.

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