Saturday, August 07, 2010

New Mountain Bike Park at The Top of 9th Street?

By Fireman Joe

Does anybody know anything about a new mountain bike park at the top of 9th street? I've been reading how the land has already been leased and insured by the city:
Teton Gravity Research - Ogden UT freeride park info
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Dan Schroeder said...

Very interesting. Do the neighbors know about this? How will the existing trail from Hislop be affected? How much is the lease costing the city, and where is the money coming from? And by what process did the city approve this project?

Could be a good idea, if there are good answers to all the questions.

Bob Becker said...

You know, I hear tell that in some cities they have people who find out answers to questions like these and they have organizations that then disseminate what those people have found out to the general public. I think they're called "reporters" and "newspapers."

BAT_girl said...

NICE............Curm: "..I think they're called "reporters" and "newspapers.""

Time for the only investigative "reporters" in Weber County to get on it, and report to the only WC NEWS vehicle which prints.........ALL the WC news that is FIT to print......and lets most comments stand.

Thank you RUDI, one more time, for WCF!

Annoyed! said...

I live in this area and I can tell you I've heard NOTHING about this. This is the first I'm learning about it.

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