Thursday, September 09, 2010

Thursday Morning News Roundup

Back burner non-red meat news item cleanup

Not much in the way of Emerald City red meat news this morning, so we'll roll out this series of items which we've more or less kept on the back burner until now:

1) The Park [City] Record published this story a couple of days ago, which sheds further light on Boss Godfrey's "Ogden high adventure" marketing plan:
Ogden's ski town pitch: we're cheap and close
2) The Deseret News carries this interesting piece, which discusses the not-so-subtle transformation of Mt. Ogden Peak from the relatively pristine location of a decade ago to the cluttered mess that it is today, and poses the questions, "Is this kind of development good or bad? Should some peaks be protected from this kind of development? Where do you draw the line?":
High tech peaks?
3) One of our gentle readers informs us that The Salomon Center climbing wall now has some new in-town competition:
Gym not just for climbers
4) This morning's Deseret News carries this story, reporting that "[t]he final site plan for the LDS Church's renovation of its Ogden Temple got the go-ahead Wednesday from the Ogden Planning Commission":
Ogden LDS temple renovation to move forward
Comparing the artist's rendition with the current structure, it looks like downtown Ogden is in for a dramatic aesthetic improvement.

The DNews story reports that "the church wants to attract more weddings and wedding parties to Ogden," which invites this reader query:

Could this at least partly explain Boss Godfrey's recent downtown hotel obsession? Out-of-town wedding parties need overnight digs, right?

Feel free to chime in on any of the above suggested topics, or consider this an open topic thread.

We don't care what you say... but be sure to say somethin'. It's been a mite too quiet around these parts of late.


RBW said...

Even with the new temple, I doubt there will be more marriages in Ogden. The location of the temple itself is a problem. With other temples so close that are in quieter, more stereotypically "safer" locations (Logan, Bountiful) just a short drive away, people will keep neglecting the Ogden temple.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't the current temple design be preserved as an architectural artifact of the flying saucer crazed past?

100 years from now, it would be on tours of examples of mid 20th century aesthetics.

Short sighted?

ozboy said...

Stephen, there are several other Temples from the flying saucer inspired days around, so not to worry you will still have a cool ride to Kolob when the time comes.

architecture 101 said...

I've been casting about trying to come up with terminology to describe the new temple architecture. Faux Meso-American Step Pyramid Revival, perhaps?

googlegirl said...

Latter-Day Fortresses - The spooky charisma of Mormon temples

oldtimer said...

Regarding the Mt. Ogden summit, see this old Sierra Club article:

Mt. Ogden Communication Site

Rammy said...

HAY! Have a look at this Mormon Temple in Boise Idaho. Except for the spires ascending to heaven, the architecture looks like one of those stone-age/tin-age sites in Ireland/England.

Danny said...

The appalling towers that deface Mt. Ogden are a telling repudiation of the local "leaders" interest in the environment.

To them, the environment is only good to marketed and sold.

Somebody knew these abominations were going up there.

Real leadership would take them down.

Mr. Godfrey, tear down these towers.

ozboy said...


The onliest reason the twirp would tear down those towers is to make room for one of his cronies to build condos.

Bob Becker said...

Arch 101:

The new design reminded me of the exterior design of the gold repository at Ft. Knox plus a spire of course. [ picture here ] So how about "Ft. Knox Baroque" to describe the style?

ozboy said...

Mr. Curmudgeon

Your very funny post reminded me of the time I was in the army at Ft. Campbell, Ky - a large sprawling base on the Kentucky - Tennessee border that was home to the 101st Airborne.

Way out in the hinterlands of Ft. Campbell was a compound surrounded by 6 high electrified fences topped with barbed wire. They had dogs and Marines patrolling between the rows of fences.

It was always a mystery what was going on inside that secret compound, but the joke around base was that they were guarding the only virgin in Kentucky!

Perhaps that is what these fortress/temples are all about?

Liberace said...

I just read the other day that a Federal judge said that the civil rights issues for gay marriage are the same for polygamy advocates. Hold on to your hats golden ones, you are about the change the civilization more than you ever guessed. Utah may be a leader in polygamy and all those wonderful benefits.

Liberace - Dumber Than A Brick said...

Don't be a dumbass. Liberace. The individual constitutional issues which pertain to gay marriage have nothing to do with polygamy.

Don't be a dumbass.

Liberace said...

Liberace - Dumbass: it shows how little you know about the constitution. Equal protection under the law. You stupid jerks won't face the facts. In case you haven't noticed, people that want to practice polygamy are individuals too! How stupid can you be?

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