Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Eye-popping Article in Today's Salt Lake Tribune

Being the curious type, we Googled this afternoon

Eye-popping article in Today's Salt Lake Tribune, reporting that both "major party" Utah Gubernatorial candidates have been spending this election season like the proverbial "drunken sailors." Here's the full story from this morning's Robert Gehrke/Lee Davidson heads-up piece
Spending in Utah guv race second-most in history
From this morning's SLTrib piece:
With a week until the election, Gary Herbert and Peter Corroon have spent more than $4.4 million battling for the Utah Governor’s Office.
The total spent by the two candidates is the second highest in Utah history, with the exception of the 2004 gubernatorial race in which Jon Huntsman Jr. and Scott Matheson Jr. spent a combined $6.5 million, although Huntsman also had costly Republican convention and primary contests that year.
Herbert has spent $2.5 million on his race, outpacing Corroon, who spent $1.9 million. The totals include spending from their campaign and political action committee accounts.
That kind of money has to come from somewhere, right? Being the curious type, we Googled, to find out how the various campaign finance disclosure laws might compel 2010 election candidates to reveal their campaign donors. And Lo and Behold... here's what we found, for those candidates who are required to file their financial disclosures per federal, state and Weber County laws and ordinances:
2010 Campaign Finance Disclosures - Major Weber County Candidates
Special thanks to Doug Larsen, Elections Director of the County Clerk/Auditor's Office, and to the hard-working crew from the Weber County Government IT Department, who made the pertinentWeber County disclosure statements fully available to our WCF readers on less than a couple hours' notice.

Financial disclosure statements are crucially important, people. They let prospective voters know which interests and entities are vying for the candidates' attention... if you know what we mean... and we think you do.


Old Sailor said...

Comparing free spending Utah political spenders to "drunken" sailors is an insult to the nautical fraternity, Rudi. Unlike "drunken sailors," who spend their own money while enjoying their own time on "shore leave," politicians blow "other peoples' money" during their drunken binges before, during and after the elections.

Stuart Reid is a Bad Joke said...

Imteresting. Referring to Stuart Reid's campaign disclosure statements, it's apparent that he hasn't recived a dime's contribution from anyone except real estate development interests and UTAH GOP party hacks.

Man of the people? NOT!

Sick of the One Party System in Utah said...

Tell me Mr. Gibson and Mrs. Zogmaister aren't bought and paid for. Go ahead... try. I think it is time for Wicks and Morgan to go in and clean things up, without the puppet strings attached of course.

Common Sense said...

Utah should emulate Massachusetts and elect outside the norm

Dan S. said...

Also from the Trib:

Does museum campaign violate state law?

My comment:

This sort of thing happens all the time. It's wrong, but I wish the media would take notice on other occasions. Government entities throughout Utah pay dues to their local Chambers of Commerce, which in turn support ballot propositions. The mayor of Ogden formed his own little personal PAC in 2007 to support city council candidates, and used the power of his office to solicit contributions from all around town and even from the Governor's Office of Economic Development. He also regularly uses city-funded communications for thinly disguised electioneering. The reason it continues is because the newspapers don't seem to care.

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