Saturday, October 09, 2010

Salt Lake Tribune: "The Fruits Of Single Party Government In Utah"

The SLTrib again makes yet another strong case for ethics reform in Utah this morning

By Ray

NEW/OLD Topic: Excellent article by Karl Snow/David Irvine on SLTrib Opinion Page today:
The fruits of single-party government in Utah
Coupled with this letter in the SLTrib Public Forum the SLTrib again makes yet another strong case for ethics reform in Utah this morning:
Deaf legislators


Bob Becker said...

Note the fruits of one party government piece is written by two former Republican state legislators.

fed up with the utah gop said...

Oh? You noticed that? Good catch.

Christie said...

"Note the fruits of one party government piece is written by two former Republican state legislators."

Geez, did this yellow dog DemoCRAP figure this all out himself?

watching carefully said...

"Note the fruits of one party government piece is written by two former Republican state legislators."

Please take note that neither Karl Snow nor David Irvine don't say they're not Good Republicans.

Bob Becker said...


Yup. Exactly. We know what it normally takes to embarrass legislative Republicans in terms of ethical conduct --- generally what it takes to gag a maggot. So if Republicanswho actually served in the legislature are appalled at what passes for legislative and executive ethics in Utah these days, things must be in a truly sorry state.

I think the two who wrote the article should be congratulated for putting the public good before narrow partisan advantage.

ozboy said...

These two "Republicans" are also main movers and shakers in the ethics movement in Utah that the Legislative leaders (so called) have been fighting tooth and nail.

Waldo Lydecker said...

The excesses from one party control are evident in Washington DC now and in Utah and is always present whenever one party has too much power. Term limits would help, but you will never those through congress no matter who is in power.

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