Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Standard-Examiner: OUR VIEW: Sawyer For Senate District 18

The world-wide blogosphere awaits your ever-savvy comments

The Standard-Examiner editorial board continues its 2010 General Election series this morning, with its endorsement of Democratic Party candidate Betty Sawyer for Senate District 18:
OUR VIEW: Sawyer for Senate District 18
Check out the Standard's video video interviews of both Senate 18 candidates:
Stuart Reid
Betty Sawyer
The Standard also provides brief profiles of each of these candidates in a separate story:
State Senate, District 18: Candidates put focus on tough issues
Have at it, O Gentle Ones. The world-wide blogosphere awaits your ever-savvy comments regarding the Utah Senate District 18 race.


OneWhoKnows said...

Same Stuart Reid, Democrat or Republican, who knows and who cares? Still Stuart Reid. Betty Sawyer represents everyday people and she's got my vote. Hope many others see her as a much better choice. Don't let Godfrey get his way of replacing one of his croonies for another. Time to stop the madness.

Anonymous said...

Obama/Satan 2012!
Hitler as Secretary of State.
Stalin as Interior Secretary.
GW Bush as Defense Secretary.
Chthulu as Health and Human Services.

did I leave anyone out?

Oh, Nietzsche as Education Secretary.
And Vlad the Impaler as Homeland Security.

clap, clap, clap. said...

Yea, you did leave someone out. The republican party is the party of drunk driver, perverts.

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