Monday, February 07, 2011

Salt Lake Tribune: Ogden Seeking Tax Dollars for Huge Sports Project

Looks like a battle between the smart folks and the seemingly endless sea of mindless Godfreyites who'll endorse a loser project like the Fieldhouse, merely because it originates in the muddled mind of The Little Twit
Dan’s analysis is never “independent” because he is a slave to a negative ideology. Dan’s report is not worthy of consideration or comment.

John Patterson's Lame Retort
February 1, 2011

Thank you, Dan, for both documents you provided. They are very clear, give us excellent data to consider, and no nonsense belittling to dilute the issues.
We need people with the thought processes (that you show in these reports) to be administering to our city. But instead, we have the complete opposite. And it is costly.

Gentle Reader PPK
PPK Comment
February 5, 2011

Better late than never, the Salt Lake Tribune, per Cathy McKitrick, chimes again in on the Ogden "Fieldhose Fieldhouse" boondoggle:
Once again in Ogden, and thanks to Kathy McKitrick, it looks like another battle between the smart folks who recognize another giant money losing boondoggle when they see it, and the seemingly endless sea of mindless Godfreyites who'll endorse a loser project like the Fieldhouse, merely because it originates in the muddled mind of The Little Twit.

Don't be shy, gentle readers. Chime in here right this minute.


ND said...

Once again the Trib gets more of the dirt out....I don't recall the SE ever printing anything about the waiver for the study...go figure...oh, I too saw people playing tennis this weekend outdoors and in shorts!

Bob Becker said...


Nope, nary a word. You're right. WC Forum readers know about Hizzonah's retroactive waiver of the competitive bidding requirements, and now the Trib's readers know. The SE's still don't.

ND said...

Makes ya wonder eh?.....One would think that would be of some sort of newsworthiness information to share with the good citizens of O'town wouldn't one? ...and the pass through payment.... And nary a word about the RFP that is out....that was tucked tidely in a small corner of the classifieds on a Sunday....time to clean the cat box and reline it with the SE...bout all it seems to be good for on this....

Danny said...

Note that the Salt Lake paper refers to Dr. Schroeder as a "government watchdog".

By contrast, the Standard Examiner, in Trentleman's column called Schroeder a "political gadfly", and Scott Schwebke called him far worse.

It's interesting to compare the professional journalism of Cathy McKitrick with the inept, schoolyard efforts of the local hacks, who more often than not, have crawled so far up Godfrey's butt that he needs to put glass in his belly button so they can see the light of day.

Yes, it is refreshing to read a thoughtful, balanced article on Ogden, written by a journalist like Cathy McKitrick.

NorthOgdener said...

Well, now that it is on WC Forum, you can bet it will be in the (sub)Standard.

Dan Schroeder said...

As I already said to Charlie Trentelman, I'm perfectly happy being called a gadfly, or a watchdog. I would also be happy if they covered the facts without mentioning my name at all--fanatical publicity seeker though I am.

Ugh said...

There was a good bit on tonight's Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell about sports stadiums and how they are almost always a losing bargain for the tax payers. Wish the rest of Ogden could tune in and listen as it's worth such.

Get outta here said...

O'donnell calls himself a European socialist. Get outta here with that garbage. A sport stadium doesn't have much to do with a fieldhouse other than the obvious. Moneypit.

ND said...

Just a thought...whatever happened to all the high tech companies/high paying jobs that the city was going to entice that were supposed to go to the American Can Building? Did we get off track on some "high adventure" sidetrack?

Bob Becker said...


The original plan to make over Ogden into a high tech Mecca failed. There were many cities at the time announcing they were going to become the new Silicon Valley or some such. When it became clear that high tech companies were not going to be stampeding to come to Ogden and fill the American Can building, the Mayor [to his credit] recognized that fairly quickly and he understood the need replace it with something else. Base Camp Ogden [High Adventure gateway to the Wasatch] became the new plan.

The high tech plan was not sidetracked by the High Adventure model. It failed and was replaced by the High Adventure model, which had --- at least compared to the High Tech push --- some success in drawing new companies to Ogden. [Most notably, Amer Sports.]

Anonymous said...

True enough Crum....what got me thinking was a radio snippet on the way in saying Utah was the number one state for promoting new tech development and such...guess the rest of the country is really suckin wind. Guess my thought was 40mil on the current chopping block might be better used....

Bob Becker said...


You wrote: " Guess my thought was 40mil on the current chopping block might be better used...."

Ain't that the truth.

ND said...

Crum...sorry for the confusion...accidently posted Anonymous above....


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