Saturday, February 19, 2011

Science Saturday: Science News Roundup

Bits and pieces from the Weber County Forum science news wire

1) Are you recently having a wee bit more trouble than usual with your TV, radio, cell phone or GPS device? If so, Discovery Science News offers a plausible explanation for this:
Don't waste your valuable time downloading software updates like your blogmeister did; it looks like anyone who relies on satellite-transmitted data will just have to wait this one out.

2) Are you an asthma sufferer who's been hacking away all winter, ostensibly due to the bad Utah winter air? Perhaps a course of antibiotic therapy is something you should consider:
Talk to your Doc. Tell him Rudi sent ya's.

3) And just in case you're one of those who may believe that scientific research is sometimes a waste of academic research dollars, be sure to check out this blockbuster story from
Much more than we wanted to know... actually.

4) Have you been thinking about taking a Spanish course, or perhaps learning another second language? Here's an interesting incentive: According to this article from the Penn State University website, speaking more than one language can actually bolster brain function by serving as a "mental gymnasium":
Perhaps we should urge Ogden Mayor Boss Godfrey, who was at one time reputedly fluent in Spanish, to immediately venture into Ogden's Central City neighborhood to brush up on his "second" language skills, right?


ND said...

cool stuff

OT, but did anyone catch the pitch in thier water bill in the Ogden newsletter about the Field House....sheesh...

Bob Becker said...

Yup. And based on the response the evidently got when they encouraged people on their kiosk/website to write to the county commission, etc. in support and supplied addresses --- they subsequently pulled the addresses -- I suspect the little note will generate at least as many unfavorable replies as favorable ones. Just a guess of course.

G'narg the Inscrutable said...

...and pole dancers. What about the pole dancers!

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