Monday, February 14, 2011

Standard-Examiner: Goode Skis to be Ogden Made

Submitted by: ND

Goode makin' skis here now instead of China....+1 get the poles made here. MG was a little nauseating in the SE article though:
So what about it gentle readers? Is the relocation of manufacturing for a company which makes a mere 3600+ pairs of skis per year a big deal for Ogden, or did Boss Godfrey once again go a "mite over the top?"


Ray said...

If they can make it and be competitive then more power to them. Good for jobs and local economy. Manufacturing in the USA is a good thing. However, I'm sure if they could get the quality, quantity, and time frames they desire at a cheaper price they would go back to China. Probably why ski pole production is staying there. It's business and profit does and will dictate most decisions.

ozboy said...

I agree with you Ray.

I am wondering however just what kind of jobs with what kind of pay this announcement will be bringing to Ogden. That is not meant in a negative way, as any jobs on any level would be a good thing. Hell, I might just go apply myself if the jobs don't require too much brain power or ambition!

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