Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Standard-Examiner Editorial: OUR VIEW: Waddoups is Clueless

Kudos to the Standard for tellin' it like it is

Spot-on editorial in this morning's Standard-Examiner, dealing with the state legislature's misguided failure and refusal "to accept almost $100 million from the federal government to extend unemployment benefits to 23,432 Utahns for 13 more weeks." This morning's editorial bears this concise and accurate headline, which, (now that we think about it,) pretty much summarizes the whole story of the Utah legislature this year:
Loved the scatological reference, a drastic departure from the SE Editorial Board's usual staid and Sunday school-style delivery:
We've had to deal with a lot of horse manure coming from the Utah Legislature this year and unfortunately the piles continue to emanate from its leadership.
And speaking of reeking barnyard "cluelessness" "emanating in piles from legislative leadership," check out this morning's ABC4 story, which deals with yet another legislative "false economy," i.e., the legislature's genius attempt (another Waddoups brain-child) to "save just about $2 million" by closing down "nearly a dozen" state liquor outlets this summer:
Thanks to folks like Mike Waddoups, cluelessness abounds in the Utah legislature, no?

Kudos to the Standard for tellin' it like it is. And watch your step... so's you don't trip over Sen. Waddoups' "road apples," which are scattered everywhere from Logan to St. George.

Update4/6/11 12:00 p.m.: Per the Ever-Gentle Curmudgeon:

The SL Trib this morning has a story up about "Last Minute Lockhart," who conceded that "the audit" the legislature did on the state liquor store monopoly's budget "may not have been" quite as thorough as it should have been:
And another story on a bill to allow health insurance companies to raise premiums for old folk and large families which Speaker of the House "Last Minute Lockhart" got introduced in the closing moments of the session and rushed to adoption without debate [sound familiar] which the Guv vetoed. Last Minute Lockhart and the boys are of course planning a veto-override session:
Clueless Waddoups, Last Minute Lockhart and Free Lunch for Me Dee are beginning to look like they're trying out for the part of Steve Urqel by repeating the line: " Did I do that?"


OneWhoKnows said...

Whatsup Waddoups is just another private agenda Chris Buttars want-to-be with a bone to pick. We need to get him drunk and take a few photos and prove once and for all that these so-called saints..........AIN'T!

Ray said...

I think the quote below fits Utahs situation:

Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedy. ~Ernest Benn

Jennifer said...

for 23,432 people 13 weeks without money, we get anywhere from $1,874,560 to $3,514,800 per WEEK not spent on JUST groceries in Utah's economy ... that's $24,369,280 to $45,692,400 no spent on JUST groceries in 13 weeks in Utah's economy ... (this is using conservative estimates of $80 - $150 per week on groceries) ... This doesn't include emergency room visits (no insurance, remember: they're unemployed) which they can't pay, which = more burden on taxpayers (everyone, including legislators).

but .. wait a minit: if they're unemployed and don't get unemployment benefits and can't find a job where competition is 1:500 applicants per job opening, wouldn't they qualify for Food Stamps and a Medical Card? And aren't those programs government-funded?


p.s. I can do the math, and so can the people Wad-upps thinks he is smarter than ...

Bob Becker said...

The SL Trib this morning has a story up about "Last Minute Lockhart" conceded that "the audit" the legislature did on the state liquor store monopoly's budget may not have been as thorough as it should have been.

And another story on a bill to allow health insurance companies to raise premiums for old folk and large families that Speaker of the House "Last Minute Lockhart" got introduced in the closing moments of the session and rushed to adoption without debate [sound familiar] which the Guv vetoed. Last Minute Lockhart and the boys are planning a veto-override session.

Clueless Waddoups, Last Minute Lockhart and Free Lunch for Me Dee are beginning to look like they're trying out for the part of Steve Urqel by repeating the line: " Did I do that?"

Wm III said...

... sorry O-town but Waddoups can blow me ...

Somebody Find Me A Scraper! said...

Ewwwww. I have Mike Waddoups stuck to the sole of my shoe. Ewwwwww...

Aaron D. said...

Whiny Waddoups

Thomas Jefferson, an icon of tea party conservatives, famously said: “If I had to choose between government without newspapers, and newspapers without government, I wouldn’t hesitate to choose the latter.” He preferred an open society to government control, issues that are still being debated in the controversy over how and which records of Utah’s government should be accessible to the public.

Now comes Utah Senate President Michael Waddoups, R-Taylorsville, who blames the press for biases and for turning Utahns against him and other legislators (“Lawmakers repeal HB477,” Tribune, March 26).

I’m with Jefferson: If I had to choose, without hesitation I’d pick Utah’s media, biased or not, over whiny Waddoups and the secretive Utah Legislature.

Aaron Davis
Salt Lake City

Me, Teri said...

King Waddoups

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