Sunday, April 03, 2011

Sunday Morning Emerald City News Roundup

Plenty of interesting tidbits in this morning's S-E

By Dan Schroeder

Plenty of interesting tidbits in today's Standard-Examiner:

Trentelman tells us what a nice guy Sen. Knudson is even though he voted for HB477 twice. No sympathy for Sen. Reid, however:
Schwebke tells us that there's an open space plan under consideration, but doesn't tell us much about it:
Grondahl depicts our mayor running down a sports field in spiked shoes, trampling everyone in his wake:
Saal ridicules WCF (no such thing as bad publicity, right?), and speculates on the mayor's goals for his last nine months in office:
And the fine-print agenda list includes a tiny item informing us that on Tuesday the council will voluntarily hand the mayor even more power to divert funds to his pet projects:
Update 4/3/11 8:30 a.m.: The SE editorial board slams the Ogden Police Department's "dysfunctional" "double-dipping culture":


Ray said...

And on KSL web site this article:

Utah refusing extension of unemployment benefits

By Josh Loftin, AP Writer

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- Utah leaders have refused to extend unemployment benefits for more than 20,000 people whose current assistance payments are about to end.

The empathy of this Utah majority party towards it's citizens is outstanding...Not

googlegirl said...

Utah refusing extension of unemployment benefits

Dan Schroeder said...

Oops--I missed one. Thanks, Rudi! Interesting that the editorial mentions neither the name of the chief of police nor that of his boss.

Bob Becker said...

Ray and Google Girl:

SE has the story on Utah refusing federal extension of unemployment benefits on its front page this morning. Using someone else'lap top and can't figure out how to block and past on the @*@###!!! thing, so can't post a link.

Story says Utah Republican legislators are making a stand "on principle." They're good at that so long as the sacrifices resulting come from someone else, not them. They're taking a stand "on principle" but more than 20K Uthans who still can't find work will have the food taken off their tables sooner, will risk their families being tossed out of apartments into shelters sooner, will be unable to pay for medicines for their families sooner, will have trouble paying their power and water bills sooner, because they can't find work. All so the fat cat lawyers and realtors and businessmen in the legislature who enjoy their hundreds of lobbyist paid for meals each session and who get public paid health care for life for working part time for ten years can make a stand "on principle."

Bastards, the lot of 'em.

Dan Schroeder said...

Here's the background on the CIP ordinance changes coming up at this Tuesdays council meeting, whereby the council will voluntarily hand the mayor even more power:

Council meeting heads-up

Work session live blog

disgusted said...


The refusal of the federal unemployment money by the State makes no sense.
Here they turn down this money for God knows what reason and then we watch TV and see the governor telling people to file their tax returns so they will qualify for unearned income tax credits provided by the federal government.

odgen resident said...


Not only that issue to watch but the council is looking to, I think, approve the CIP budget. Currently as the CIP budget is now put together the projected expenditures are of some 2.25 mil for next year, with 1.0 mil of that amount being for the field house.
Why would we be committing this much money to the field house when we haven't even decided whether we're going to build it or not?

Bob Becker said...


If you and I each had a buck for everything that Utah politicians have done or said that makes no sense over the last year, we'd be having this conversation across the garden wall at our beachfront condos in Maui.

Bill C. said...

Wow,477, 165 and now kicking 20,000 families to the curb, Dee really has delivered well for this inhumane arrogant bunch. Are these guys really for real? Good to see Weber County finally serving in high positions of leadership and bringing home the bacon, gives one quite the sense of pride huh?
Seriously folks, what gives?

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