Thursday, June 30, 2011

Salt Lake Tribune: Municipal Election Candidate Filings Start Tomorrow

We invite you to keep your eyes on WCF over the next four months, where you'll find the most complete online local election coverage in the whole danged state

It's the end of the month and the Salt Lake Tribune carries a story this morning announcing the beginning of the event we've all been eagerly awaiting here at Weber County Forum, the 2011 Municipal Election Season. The two week candidate filing period starts tomorrow, according to the Trib:
We accordingly invite you to keep your eyes on WCF over the next four months, where you'll find the most complete and robust online election coverage in the whole danged state (just as we've provided in the past.) Sharp eyed readers have already been prowling around our "under construction" election module in the right sidebar; and we're looking forward to substantially "fleshing it out" over the coming months, as candidate filings and election stories roll in.

With the little Lord Mayor's announced retirement, we expect a wide open election. And if the last three Municipal Election campaigns (2005, 2007 & 2009) provide any historical guidance, you can expect we'll be in the thick of the action, keeping everybody on their toes... and having some rollicking good fun in the process, que no?


Gleeson said...

Fascinating stuff you've linked in that last paragraph, Rudy, Thanks!

And there's some particularly good material from your 2009 Muni Election series, where 2011 Mayoral Candidate Neil Hansen busts this residentially ineligible Council Candidate Realtor Kid, and then apologizes later.

Let's just say I'm new here.  Hansen had this idiotic realtor  kid on the ropes and apologizes later?  And now Hansen's a Mayoral Candidate.  So can we now expect further 180 degree flip-flops from Hansen in the future?

Somebody let me know what's up with this Hansen Guy.  He's a Democrat like me, so I'm inclined to support him.  Nevertheless I need more info in advance of the November Municipal Election.

Paulb said...

Hansen is a nice and honest guy, perhaps the last honest politician in Utah.  As a consequence he doesn't have a chance.

Danny said...

... but how will we know who to vote for, without Mayor Godfrey's insightful voting guides?

Perhaps we can hope he'll leave us with some parting thoughts, or that one of his cronies, at least, will tell us who to vote for.

It is so difficult otherwise...

Ozboy said...


I totally agree that Neil Hansen is a "nice and honest guy, perhaps the last honest politician in Utah"

However, I do disagree with you on his chances of winning the Ogden Mayor position. 

If he can go back and re-connect with his core constituency in mid-town Ogden, AND make a warm and fuzzy connection with the east of Harrison and Shadow Valley crowd, he could very well win it all.    I think that would be a real good thing for the whole city, especially after the 12 year reign of the lyin, manipulating and incompetent Godfrey and his gang of sycophants.  Just think of the possibilities of having an honest mayor for the first in over a decade!

I'm not sure why any one would want the job at this point, what with the enormous financial hole that the city is facing, and which the next mayor will have to deal with.  Whoever is in that position when the good ship Ogden hits the cliffs of financial ruin as a result of the rape and pillage of the towns treasury by this morally bankrupt cabal of Godfreyites, He, or She, could easily get blamed for the whole sorry mess.   You know damn well that Godfrey and his circle of incompetents will surely be jumping up and down and pointing the finger at that future mayor as the one responsible for the inevitable crash.

Maybe a good bankruptcy attorney would be the best bet for the next mayor?

Rachel said...

overheard at mccools.

running for mayor. 

Steven Vanwagoner. current realtorBusiness Address: 2510 Washington Blvd, Ogden, UT 84401Business: Junction City Brokers: 801-627-7090 Fax: 801-627-7081 great, another real estate stooge.

rudizink said...

Bingo, Rach!  Your blogmeister  got that same basic  intel from one of my protected but reliable sources.  Looks like the Moron Utah Realtors will be running another unqualified realtor jackass for Ogden City Political Office.

David Phipps will be a tough act to follow; but we're counting on Mr, Van Wagoner for similar entertainment relief, at least, no?

Blackrulon said...

What a great choice for mayor. That will assure that Ogden will c0ntinue to lead the state in empty building and vacant lots.

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