Monday, June 06, 2011

Standard-Examiner: Counties Play Musical Statehouse Chairs; Davis May Gain the Seat Weber Loses

Does the targeting of Dixon Pitcher's House District 10 seat for elimination amount to mere coincidence... or something more sinister?

The Standard-Examiner fattens out the facts this morning on the SLTrib story which we highlighted last week, which reported that Ogden's Utah House Legislative District 10 seat is about to be eliminated by the GOP-dominated legislative panel which is in the process of whipping up a new Utah legislative district redistricting plan. This morning's SE story again reports that GOP Rep. Dixon Pitcher's House Legislative District 10 seat is likely to be on the chopping block:
Regular WCF readers will of course recall that House 10's Rep. Pitcher was one of the first contientious maverick GOP legislators to break party ranks and to speak out against GRAMA-gutting H.B. 277 .

So what about it, gentle readers? Does the targeting of Pitcher's district seat for elimination amount to mere coincidence... or are we witnessing mean-spirited GOP legislative retaliation against an independent-minded GOP legislator who refused to let his party "leadership" (so-called) do his thinking for him?


Ozboy said...

Wow, a Utah Republican office holder who isn't in the pocket of a bunch of slinky, holier than tho patriarchs from Utah and South Salt Lake counties! 

Ya sure Rudi that this wasn't something you read in Alice in Wonderland, or something you dreamed about in a trip down memory lane?

Curmudgeon said...

Comrade Pitcher must be taught that the GOP Comintern, under the direction of Chairwoman Last Minute Lockhart, will permit no independent thought and no dissent.   And so the likes of Rep. Brad "Free Lunch For Me!" Dee and Rep. Gage Froerer, who rode the Titanic of HB477 all the way to the bottom,  will be protected, while those who sought to launch lifeboats by voting against passage of the second version will be punished.  

The Utah Politburo [aka GOP state leadership] will see to it.

Tea Party Boy said...

About House 8 Legislative District Rep Gage Froerer (R)...

The "R" stands for "Rino" or  "Realtor"  (one or the other distressing epithet.)

Hopefully all Tea Partiers (like me)  will remember that Gage Froerer DID NOT support Mike Lee in the last election, but was rather marching around town touting the neoCON establishment candidate,  Tim Bridgwater.

Curmudgeon said...

Comrade Pitcher must be taught that the GOP Comintern, under the direction of Chairwoman Last Minute Lockhart, will permit no independent thought and no dissent.   And so the likes of Rep. Brad "Free Lunch For Me!" Dee and Rep. Gage Froerer, who rode the Titanic of HB477 all the way to the bottom,  will be protected, while those who sought to launch lifeboats by voting against passage of the second version will be punished.  

The Utah Politburo [aka GOP state leadership] will see to it.

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