Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Beware of Mayoral Candidate Mike Caldwell's Ongoing "Push Poll"

Disappointing campaign conduct from one of our Emerald City mayoral candidates

By Curmudgeon

I am sorry to report that Mayoral candidate Mr. Mike Caldwell apparently has a telephone push poll currently going on. You're asked which of the 8 candidates you would vote for right now, and if you push a number indicating anyone other than Caldwell [as someone in our house did], a string of "candidate specific" questions begins. They take this format: "If you knew Mike Caldwell was president of the Ogden Visitors and Convention Bureau" [or Weber County's], would you be more likely to vote for him or less likely. Push one for more likely. Push two for less likely." There is no "no opinion" or "no difference" option offered. Other alleged "poll questions" go on in the same vein. After a while, our house member hung up and didn't finish out the alleged poll, which the recorded voice promised would take no longer than three minutes.

This is not a poll, I think. It's a campaign robo call evidently designed to parade Mr. Caldwell' s qualifications before those who indicate that at the moment do not intend to vote for him. And as such it's a sleazy business. Candidates with a sound grasp of ethical conduct in re: campaigns should not sink to such tactics.

I am disappointed. Our house is split on candidates for the primary. I'd been, lately, leaning a bit toward Caldwell. The leaning has come to a halt. I'm going to have to reconsider. If you can't campaign straight up, what does that say about the public official you are likely to be if elected?

I am really disappointed.


Grandmomb said...

This is very interesting. I'm sorry to hear it, too. Plenty of well-meaning people have been promoting him to me.

Curmudgeon said...

I was impressed when he came to the door walking the neighborhood and we talked for a while. And with his experience in a variety of positions.  I was about to request a yard sign.  [My main squeeze is requesting another candidate's.]   The automated phone call seemed out of character with what I'd seen of Mr. Caldwell's campaign up to that point  and so I found  it both disappointing and puzzling.   

Ohnotagain said...

A reminder of the Godfrey push polls that I received during the last two elections.  They also requested to know who I was voting for and they got my cell phone number through my necessary business with  Ogden City. 

Ozboy said...

Sorry to hear this about Caldwell as he seems like a real comer.   I thought he "won" the debate tonight - if there was a winner that is.

It's just politics said...

Push polls are standard operating procedure in politics. Objecting to them is like coming out against shaking hands and kissing babies. :)

Ohnotagain said...

Some are more offensive than others!

Dan S. said...

It's becoming clear to me that all the candidates could use some more education in ethics.

Curmudgeon said...

The "but Mom, every one does it!" excuse didn't work when I was a young un'.   Doesn't work now either. 

OhNo's right that some are worse than others, and this one was apparently a "positive" one designed to offer listeners the positives of the candidate involved in the guise of a poll  rather than a negative one [e.g. it wasn't asking "would you be more or less likely to vote for my opponent if you learned he was a High Priest of Satan and had married a goat?"]

Nevertheless, minor stepping over the lines though it might be comparatively speaking, it's not good practice.  I agree it's become part of the campaign arsenal of a lot of candidates [every level] of late.  That's unfortunate.   

Dan S. said...

Please do tell: Which candidate is a High Priest of Satan and has married a goat? I don't remember any of them mentioning that at last night's forum.

Bob Becker said...

You going to do a write up on the candidate forum for those who could not attend? Or does your role as one of the organizers preclude that?  Upon reflection, probably does.   

I presume the SE was there, maybe the Trib too.   Will await their accounts.

Dan S. said...

Just posted links under previous article. Couldn't do a writeup if I wanted to, since I was too busy to listen to most of it. Looking forward to watching the video when it's ready.

Iheartutah said...

Wait, I'm confused.  Was there anything negative about other candidates?  What's wrong with a candidate tell me positive things about them?  I wish more did...

Toad Hall said...

I too like Caldwell more than any of the other candidates.  I would say that a lot of politicians usually have marketing companies do their campaigns for them.  I would suspect that he might not have known exactly how the whole poll was designed.  I am always shocked at how clueless politicians can be of what is done with their name stamped all over it.

Iheartutah said...

I don't understand why this was bad.  He called and told you of his qualifications?  Did he attack anyone in the poll?  Did he lie?  

rudizink said...

It's a deceptive campaign practice, Iheartutah.  A political campaign's attempt to influence or alter the view of respondents under the guise of conducting a poll actually is a lie, no????

rudizink said...

I believe you're probably right in suspecting that this blunder is probably attributable to an over zealous campaign manger who thought he'd cleverly manipulate the Ogden Rubes.  As such, it probably doesn't reflect negatively on the candidate Caldwell himself... at this point at least.  The question of course will be what his campaign does from here on, now that this highly disfavored campaign tactic has been exposed.

Great to see you back posting on WCF again, btw. TH!

Moroni McConkie said...

Toad Hall's return is the best news of the day.

Blackrulon said...

It is Caldwells campaign but apolopgists are saying he is uninformed. That does not build confidence in his ability to be in charge Apparently the buck stops somewhere else in his desire to be mayor..

Blackrulon said...

It is Caldwells campaign but apologists are saying he is uninformed.
That does not build confidence in his ability to be in charge Apparently
the buck stops somewhere else in his desire to be mayor..

rudizink said...

It is Caldwells campaign but apologists are saying he is uninformed. That does not build confidence in his ability to be in charge Apparently the buck stops somewhere else in his desire to be mayor..

Blackrulon said...

It is Caldwells campaign but apologists are saying he is uninformed. That does not build confidence in his ability to be in charge Apparently the buck stops somewhere else in his desire to be mayor..

Ohnotagain said...

In addition to the push poll, I had two Caldwell campaign workers come to my door and ask me who I would be voting for.  I would listen to their sales pitch for my guy is better than your guy, but to come to my door and ask who I am voting for....... That is between me and my secret ballot unless I choose to offer the information. 

confused said...

OK, maybe I'm ethically challenged here, but I'm not sure where the problem is.  For starters, let me say I am undecided in the mayor's race.  Curm gets a robocall from the Caldwell campaign that asks him who is is planning to vote for.  A poll question.  When he indicated someone other than Caldwell he is presented with a series of more poll questions about whether certain information about Caldwell makes him more or less likely to vote for him.  What is unethical about this?  Were you informed that the call was from the Caldwell campaign?  Were you askedpoll questions that the Caldwell campaign will clearly use in attempting to refine their campaign message?  From the wikipedia link provided above: the push poll is a form of telemarketing-based propaganda and rumor mongering, masquerading as a poll. Push polls may rely on innuendo or knowledge gleaned from opposition research on an opponent. They are generally viewed as a form of negative campaigning.  Was there propaganda or rumor mongering?  Were you asked if you'd be less likely to vote for any of Caldwell's opponents if you knew certain unsubstantiated things about them? Was it negative campaigning?  Not sure what Caldwell did really constitutes a push poll, in the sense presented here. 
I always thought that push polls were negative.     

Curmudgeon said...

What's distasteful is the deception involved. Push polls present themselves to voters as legitimate opinion polls when in fact they're designed instead to "push" you in the direction of one candidate or "push" you away from another by means of the questions asked.  \One of the nastiest was run by Bush in his primary campaign against John McCain in, I think, South Carolina .  Voters called by an alleged pollster working for the campaign  and asked "Would your opinion of John McCain change if you learned he had fathered an illegitimate black child?"   Prime example of a negative push poll. 

Positive push polls are not nearly as bad, but they are still deceptive.  It's the deceptiveness that's objectionable.  What you described --- "He called and told you of his qualifications" --- is a straight campaign call and I see nothing objectionable about that.   In such calls, the candidate or his supporters identify themselves as such and ask for your time to tell you about the candidate.  Not a problem. That's not what push polls do, negative or positive ones.    

Curmudgeon said...

 "What's wrong with a candidate tell me positive things about them?" Nothing, so long as they don't have staff calling you pretending to be independent pollsters asking for your time ask you questions.  Candidate wants to talk to me, or his staff does, they should call and say so, not pretend to be something else. 

Curmudgeon said...

They can ask, and you can politely refuse to say. Or simply say you haven't decided yet.  Or  "I'm supporting another candidate."  

They ask because if your already on board with their guy, they want to move on to other voters who are undecided.  I don't have a problem with their asking so long as they accept "I'd rather not say" with good grace. As most of them I've met do. 

Curmudgeon said...

"Were you informed that the call was from the Caldwell campaign? "

Ohnotagain said...

Push polls are negative.  That is part of the problem. Everything else aside,  some of us in Ogden are a little sensitive to the negative in governing and abuse of power, even bullying, that we feel we have experienced with the current power structure.   If someone is willing to use negative tactics to get elected, (to gain power,) what are they willing to do after elected (and they hold power)?   And how will they use the information that they glean about us, (against us as the current administration sometimes has?)  And if they are simply naive and don't know any better that too, is a problem.  This is a very bad start for Caldwell. 

confused said...

That makes a big difference and it was not clear from your original post that this was the case.  Thanks for the clarification.  I would say the call is on the borderline of being unethical.  

BAT__girl said...

TOAD.......Right. But in this case, Mike Caldwell got a degree in MARKETING from WSU as an undergrad. I do not think he also has a Law Degree from U of U.

BAT__girl said...

Rudi........Most of Mike Caldwell's jobs have been in positions of marketing and managing. Like The Ice Sheet, Ramp Funds DIR, WEBER PATHWAYS board, Interim O/W.cvb Director, until Mike Caldwell hired friend Sara Toliver.

Look at the relationship between RAMP, Weber Pathways and Ogden City in Ramp Grants received by OC in last 3 years, to develop West Ogden in area of the Ogden City Kayak Park.  Look at the Ramp Funds allocated, in the last 3 yrs., to Weber Pathways continuation of the Centennial Trail, especially in West Ogden, from OC Kayak Park to Riverdale City land. Now go down and look at the new route of the Weber River in that area.

DAN S........get ready to look at major Ramp Fund allocations to Ogden City in 2012.

Anonymous said...

One more thing...Caldwell is the RAMP program administrator. He has no say in the allocation of RAMP funds. Allocation is determined by a board comprised of Weber County citizens. Caldwell can tell you if your application meets the requirements of the program and help you make necessary adjustments, but he doesn't control the cash.

And sorry to post as "Anonymous," but I'm posting from my phone...also the reason for the typos in my previous post...I know how to spell VanHooser...oh, and I hate predictive text. Damn thumb typing devices!! :)

Logician said...

Yes,’s all been one big conspiracy wherein Caldwell funneled RAMP funds to his friends at Weber Pathways to continue development of the Centennial Trail. Then Caldwell conspired with God to flood the Weber River this spring so he could, in essence, “double dip” and have Pathways submit another grant request for repairs — keep in mind, no such request has been made yet, but should it transpire that way, you will have figured out the sinister plot as only a superhero like “Batgirl” could.

A few holes in your theory, though...Caldwell has nothing to do with the allocation of RAMP funds. He is the program administrator for Weber County. He ensures application requirements are met and that proper reporting occurs after funding has been granted. The actual allocation is overseen by a board of Weber County citizens. Weber Pathways is a non-profit organization directed by a volunteer board of citizens that has developed many of our amazing trails. I’m not sure I see where the RAMP money gets dirty in this scenario. No one’s pockets are getting lined.

The only way you should be upset over RAMP funds being disproportionately allocated to Ogden projects is if you are not an Ogden which case, why do you care so mucy about the Ogden City mayoral race? Ogden residents should cheer every dollar of RAMP funding that gets put into this fair city since Ogden is one of the county’s largest contributors to the program.

Finally, a guy like Caldwell who serves tirelessly on as many volunteer boards as he does in a town this size is going to have connections. Get over it. You’re not making a very convincing argument that his involvement with the GOAL Foundation, Weber Pathways, Ogden-Weber CVB, Seeking Excellence in Education, etc. makes him a shady candidate.

It's just politics said...

Yes...many is the candidate who has lost a campaign by confusing the two and spent time kissing hands and shaking babies. :)

Curmudgeon said...

"I would say the call is on the borderline of being unethical."

I'd say that's a reasonable way to describe it.  I just prefer my candidates to be clear about where that line is, and to take care, as a matter of principle, to keep their campaigns well clear of it. 

Really? said...

Does Caldwell serve on those boards truly during his spare time, or are we as Weber County citizens footing the bill for his time spent attending these meetings?

Seriously... said...

Really, Really?  Do you as a Weber County citizen not benefit from the aforementioned programs and boards that Caldwell serves on?  Do the positions for which he is salaried suffer from this extra service?  (RAMP, Ice Sheet, PIO...which, by the way, are THREE jobs). Not for a second; in fact they've flourished under his leadership.  Quite frankly, I don't really care how he divides his time.  What I do know is that he is a salaried county employee that could sit in his office for 8 hrs a day and not fill any of these additional community service roles...the vast majority of which are conducted well beyond regular business hours. 

Honestly "Really?" your post again.  You've completely contradicted your own point.  All of the 'meetings' you seem to have a problem with are in direct service of you and the county.  Caldwell has been doing far more for you and the county for a much cheaper price tag than ANY alternative.  This discussion is about a push poll...not Caldwell's service to the community...that's irrefutable.  I for one am not going to split hairs on whether fractions of that service were 'on the clock' or not.And BAT_girl...your mention of the Toliver 'friend' hire seems to indicate you have a problem with it.  I find that very interesting since, to my knowledge, her performance in that position has been impeccable.  GET TO YOUR POINT.  There is absolutely no evidence to support anything but the right person being hired for the right job. 

BikerBabe said...

And some know that the Farmers Market did NOT get RAMP funds this year ... Directer B. quit and so did P.P . because of the feeling it went elsewhere a bit unfairly (no details were given - but the word "stolen" was used by another)


Fox News Flash said...

With attribution like that, you could probably get a job with Fox News..."Some know," "no details were given but," "others have said..." Yes, clearly members of the RAMP board hate farmers and are opposed to markets. Let's throw it over to Glenn Beck for analysis.

Dave Tractor said...

I have served on the RAMP board for 8 years, and as chairman for 2011.  Citizens should be aware that all decisions made regarding awards of grants and disbursement of funds are made by a board of citizens who spend months evaluating requests and ranking them according to an objective set of criteria. 
RAMP is the best thing that has happened for Weber County. 
 Mike Caldwell does not vote on projects.  In my dealings with Mike, he has administered the program with impartiality and total honesty.
RAMP has done so many wonderful things for ALL areas of  the  County.  It should not be maligned for political purposes.
Dave Holmstrom
RAMP 2011 Chairman

rudizink said...

Speaking as the WCF blogmeister, I'll offer that I'm unclear as to why you may believe that RAMP has been "maligned."  Would you mind fleshing this all out, so our readers can understand your position?  Over the years, WCF itself has been a champion of the RAMP process; and my overview of the comments up-thread doesn't in my view reveal anything that could be reasonably viewed as derogatory, at least from my point of view. Hopefully you'll be back to "educamate" us on this soon.

Seriously... said...

Rudi, I'm certainly not speaking for Dave here, but as you are the WCF blogmiester - a forum that champions itself on ethics - I'm a bit perplexed and compelled to comment.  Isn't it crystal clear as you read this thread that inferences have been made that attack RAMP's integrity?  There's absolutely no denying that BAT_girl, Really?, and BikerBabe's posts clearly suggest some sort of corruption or unethical behavior on Mike Caldwell's part in the RAMP process, which, by design, is virtually impossible.  Given the complete transparency, integrity, and the overwhelming success RAMP has been for the entire Weber County community, such inferences are of themselves unethical, offensive and worthy of rebuttal.  I believe that is what Dave is referring to - individual posts- not WCF as a whole.

Seriously... said...

Yep...  'cause that's exactly what we need as Mayor of Ogden...a lawyer.

BikerBabe said...

Seriously .... I have no question in re: RAMP's integrity ... I was just passing along something that was told to me ... let the readers judge for themselves.

I Do know the booth fees have doubled this year for the Farmer's Market to make up the difference of not receiving RAMP funds.

Just the facts,


Seriously... said...

Facts indeed.  One of the major deciding factors for whether RAMP grant applications are funded or not is their viability without the RAMP funding.  This can be a very difficult decision as some very high-quality programs & events just haven't matured to the point where they can exist without the help from RAMP.  This year's Farmer's Market has been the highest attended and overwhelmingly largest in Ogden's history.  Seems like the RAMP board made one helluva call there...and the vendors are getting their money's worth.

I've seen projects near and dear to me lose RAMP funding, and while scary at first, it's been a necessary and very good thing in the end.  RAMP is a gigantic teet that will be suckled forever if not properly managed, and I feel they're doing an amazing job of it.

Notimpressed said...

Caldwell is the Obama of Ogden.  While he is great at doing community work, but he does not have what it takes to be a leader.  And you are fooling yourself if you think he isn't connected to the hip to Mayor Godfrey.
It was Caldwell himself that requested that the mayor and John Patterson increase salary for the new mayor.  He was not willing to be a "public servant" for a mere $80K.  So he pushed the salary increase through before he ran.  Pretty sneaky.  And who was right there saying yes to him?  Godfrey and Patterson.
Caldwell guaranteed Patterson that he would keep his job as part of his new administration if he was elected.
Also, what does is say on his postcards?  He was over the CVB?  The county through him in there as an interim.  He wanted the job, but wasn't qualified as far as the county was concerned and they instead chose Sara Toliver.
I'd be careful.  He's a liar and has worked hand in hand with the mayor and the administration and I would lay my bet that Godfrey is  supporting him.
His campaign should be "Caldwell, just another good 'ol boy"

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