Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Salt Lake Tribune: Ogden Homeowner Frustrated Over Ongoing Damage

"It's pretty sad when you have to fight city hall to fix what they messed up."

Interesting Salt Lake Tribune news tidbit for another slow Emerald City news day, reporting on the travails of one Ogden homeowner, who describes his "putrid" backyard swimming pool as "[Mayor Matthew] Godfrey's catchbasin":
"It's pretty sad when you have to fight city hall to fix what they messed up," says one SLTrib reader; and by golly we do believe that "nails it."

Godfrey's Catchbasin - Yuck!!
Pool party anyone?

Don't let the cat get yer tongues...


BlameJohnsonNotMe said...

I'll refer this unfortunate resident to a great Ogden attorney......try Blain Johnson, benefactor of Envision Ogden and FNURE. Rumor has it he has "inside contacts" with the city and really "gets things done". If the word "sockpuppet" is appropriate, please apply it to Mr. Johnson. (Rudi, 5 stars?)

Rtcblc said...

New/Old Subject: According to Cathy McKitrick's article in todays Salt Lake tribune, "Debate erupts on broadcasting mayoral debates", the reason the manager of Channel 17 refuses to air the Ogden Ethic Projets debates is he personally distrusts Dan Shroeder, and that Dan is associated with WCF " a forum that is extremely hateful and one-sided." WOW, guess I won't dispute that as it might be percieved as hateful and one-sided, in otherwords challenging Mayor Godfrey and truthful.

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