Monday, August 22, 2011

Wall Street Journal: Where the Action Is

Yesiree folks... Ogden City is FINALLY on the map, which is just what some inferiority complex-suffering Emerald City Boosters have been craving for years

Notable story this morning from the U.S. financial sector's #1 journalistic giant... the venerable Wall Street Journal. This uniquely-angled article shines the spotlight on seven U.S. "hotspots" across the country, cities which have become "hubs for specific industries" where "entrepreneurs are moving and flourishing in the teeth of a bleak economy." Lo and Behold, Ogden City comes up as #7 on the WSJ's unranked list. Here's the full story, for those readers who'd like to read up, and vicariously bask in the national media attention:
Yesiree folks... Ogden City is FINALLY on the map, which is just what many inferiority complex-suffering Emerald City Boosters have been craving for years.

Click to Enlarge Image

Don't let the cat get your tongues...


OneWhoKnows2 said...

It must have been a slow news day for WSJ and they didn't mention Mayor Skippy by name.  That's good because most of us do not want to hear his name ever again!

Bob Becker said...

Grumble, grouse and be sarcastic all you like. The fact is the article is good ink for Ogden.  And in these parlous times, I figure Ogden can use all the good ink in a national publication like the WSJ that it can get.  

OneWhoKnows2 said...

I have nothing against my home town, just it's crooked leadership that soon will be gone.  If that is sarcasism, count me in every time.

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