Friday, October 14, 2011

Standard-Examiner: Friday Open House Celebrates Physics at Weber State

A little birdy tells us that WCF Contributor Dan S. will be delivering a talk on photographing the night sky is at 7:30 in room LL 130

Here's another Friday (10/14/11) event you're surely not going to want to miss, per this morning's Standard-Examiner GO! Section Announcement:
OGDEN — Weber State University’s physics department will have an open house on Oct. 14.

The open house will be from 5:30 to 9 p.m. in the Lind Lecture Hall, on campus at 3848 Harrison Blvd.

Activities and demonstrations include “Circus of Physics,” involving things like levitating billiard balls and glowing pickles. Hospitable planets in other parts of the universe will be explored, and professor Ron Galli will answer what everyone has always wondered: Why do cats always land on their feet?

Admission to the open house is free, though there is a canned food drive being conducted for the Utah Food Bank.

For more information, call 801-626-7030.

For even more information, click these links:
A little birdy also tells us that WCF Contributor Dan S. will be delivering a talk on photographing the night sky at 7:30 in room LL 130. That alone is more than enough reason, wethinks, to make it a point to sit in on this event.

1 comment:

rudizink said...

You're quite welcome, Dan.  It's encouraging to see so many folks demonstrating an interest in science.

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