Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Mother Jones: 13 Reasons Why Newt Will Never Be the GOP Nominee

These American "tea party patriots" should be whipped up to a political frenzy over this presidential candidate issue ... of course that's not what's happening at all

With the millions of bright and competent people in the USA, can anyone explain why this moron Gingrich is the current frontrunner in the GOP presidential candidate pack? It's the most important job on this planet, we'll remind you all.
Your blogmeister can't "esplain it."

Maybe you can.

Where are the lame-ass "tea partiers"? You know... these people who incessently refer to "The Founding Fathers", whilst they simultaneously proceed to eviscerate the U.S. Constitution?

These American "patriots" should be whipped up to a political frenzy over this presidential candidate issue ... of course that's not what's happening at all.


Rebel With a Cause 2 said...

Newt Gingrich is an arrogant smart-aleck.  If the Republicans get him for a candidate, they'll be getting another John McCain loser.

Bob Becker said...

The GOP has a candidate who is likely to not only win the election and make President Obama a one term president, but to take majorities in both the house and senate in with him.  His name is Huntsman. But, being both  more of a fiscal conservative than Newt or Romney or any of the rest except Mr. Paul, Huntsman is nevertheless sane, and has a solid record of governing a very conservative state on very conservative principles, but also of insisting on policies based on sound evidence.   That's why he made Utah part of a western state coalition aimed at reducing the causes of global warming.   A sane Republican, even one who is more fiscally conservative than the current two front runners, cannot I'm afraid be nominated by the current GOP which is increasingly dominated by the tinfoil hat brigade. 

RebelWithACause2 said...

Rebel With a Cause 2:   Huntsman is arrogant,too. I think he is presumptive ,also, to even be running for president this time.Not as much so as Gingrich who has already announced that he will be the Republican candidate, though.  And to think that I used to like Newt- 20 years ago,bef judgment showed so impaired, as he flip-flopped from wife to wife,etc.ore

RebelWithACause2 said...

RebelWithACause2 : Reply to Bob Becker
Sorry to have to disagree weth you on Huntsman. I usually always agree with you on your well-thought-out posts. 

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