Thursday, February 23, 2012

Standard-Examiner: The State Legislature and the Weber County Sheriff's Office Honor WMNSF Officers

There are two more 1/4/12 1/4/12 Ogden Shootout story-topical items in this morning's Standard-Examiner print and online editions.

First, the S-E reports on yesterday's Weber-Morgan Narcotics Strike Force officer tribute in the State Legislature. Here's the lede:

SALT LAKE CITY — Weber County representatives and senators each took a turn to express gratitude to law enforcement officers involved in the Jan. 4 shootout in Ogden.

Legislators then gave standing ovations to the officers and their families who attended the legislative session Wednesday:

Here's the Loretta Park story:

Next, the Standard reports that "The Weber County Sheriff's Office has produced a 21-minute video tribute to the Weber-Morgan Narcotics Strike Force and six officers involved in a Jan. 4 fatal shootout."

Read Scott Schwebke's story here:
A link to the referenced video is embedded at the top of the S-E story.

Comments, anyone?


googlegirl said...

 Weber County Officials tainting would-be Jurors

Guest said...

Interestingly the state shut down donations for the Matthew Stewart website. Does anybody know why? I'm curious because there hasn't been any news report of why the state will not let them accept donations for legal assistance. I see nothing illegal about asking for and accepting donations for legal assistance. After all, he's in an uphill battle with an entity that has all kinds of money and could face the death penalty if he loses the case! Then the Weber County Sheriff's office releases a video to honor the officers  if the Weber Narcotics Strike Force which will potentially taint the jury pool. It sounds like the only way Matthew Stewart can get a fair trial is to be tried in another state.

rudizink said...

I'm still researching the situation; but I'm guessing it has something to do with this:

Utah Division of Consumer Protection - Charitable Contributions

rudizink said...

 I'm still researching the situation; but I'm guessing it has something to do with this:

Utah Division of Consumer Protection - Charitable Contributions

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