Monday, April 30, 2012

Salt Lake Tribune: Patrick Henry Caucus Founders All Lose — But Claim Higher Victory

Are we possibly witnessing the death throws of the Tea Party movement in Utah and the political demise of five "goofy politicians with overblown senses of self-importance?"
"I’ve been waiting for somebody to write a story about how our defeat was the death of the Patrick Henry Caucus," said Rep. Chris Herrod, R-Provo, who ran unsuccessfully for the U.S. Senate. "But even though the four of us lost, I feel very strongly that we drove the agenda. ... Regardless what happened, we were a success."
"Their guys got beat. And losing is not good," Thad Hall, associate professor of political science at the University of Utah, said. "Losing is ultimately a bad outcome, and I think the next time around, they’ll just have less say in the way the world works."

Interesting Salt Lake Tribune story this morning concerning the 2012 GOP Convention defeats of four out of  five of our Utah legislature's founding Patrick Henry Caucus members.

Check out this morning's full Trib story here:
You remember the video of these original PHC founder guys of course... the Fab Five, whom Trib columnist Paul Rolly described thusly?
You at first will get the impression this is a Saturday Night Live skit parodying goofy politicians with overblown senses of self-importance.
Here's the referenced YouTube video, for those who missed it the first go-round.  It's definitely a doozy:
So what about it, O Gentle Ones? Will the PHC snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, and succeed in  "retooling the caucus a bit," and to effectively "push it more nationally"?

Or are we possibly witnessing the death throws of the Tea Party movement in Utah, and the political demise of five "goofy politicians with overblown senses of self-importance?"

The world-wide-blogosphere is sitting on the edge of its seat, waiting to find out what our readers think about this.


Jim Hutchins said...

"We had to destroy the village in order to save it" now becomes "We had to lose the election in order to win it."

rudizink said...

"It's just a flesh wound," heheheh.

Loves Carl Wimmer Lawn Service said...

I predict that Carl Wimmer will soon have to fall back and pay more attention to his lawn mowing business, the one thing on earth that he's good at.

blackrulon said...

That is just about the worst superhero action/adventure movie ever. I watched the video multiple times and never once did they mention motherhood, apple pie or show pictures of babies.

peterball said...

This is off topic-but I need some enlightenment. Just received an email with Ogden's capital improvement plan attached. What were they thinking with $28.5 million allocated for downtown parking? Surely we can use the money in a more meaningful way.

rudizink said...

 Here's the link, for those who haven't seen this yet:

Proposed FY 2013 Capital Improvements Plan

Thanks for the heads-up.

The number is so far out of line that I'm wondering if it's a typo.

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