Friday, May 25, 2012

Ogden's Helena Hotel Artifacts Go Up for Auction Tomorrow

Folks who plan to stroll Two-five Drive early tomorrow should take note, and bring along their checkbooks and pickemup trucks

Thanks to a tip from yet another sharp-eyed and alert Weber County Forum reader, here's an alert for restaurateurs, antique aficionados and plain Old Junk "pickers."

And here's our heads-up for tomorrow's auction event that's coming up, which ought to be of interest to Ogden City folks who might be looking for a few lo-price Ogden History Mementos.  Apparently former Helena Hotel owner and  former former Boss Godfrey antagonist Bruce Edwards forgot to move ALL of his valuable artifact collection, after he was evicted.

Here's the link concerning tomorrow's scheduled auction:
Folks who plan to stroll Two-Five Drive early tomorrow should take note, and bring along their checkbooks and trusty pickemup trucks, wethinks.

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