Thursday, June 28, 2012

Breaking: Supreme Court Upholds Health Care Law

Roberts joins SCOTUS majority, says Obamacare mandate is permissible under Congress’s taxing authority

Via the Wahington Post,  here's the lead story:
    WaPo also has dozens of other stories on this landmark decision plastered all over its front page, covering all story angles.  Take your pick:
    Read up, folks.  Fascinating stuff.

    Update 6/28/12 9:41 a.m.:  Here's the first local coverage, from the Salt Lake Tribune:
    Stop the Presses! There's much weeping and gnashing of teeth in the GOP camp. No surprises there, of course, since SCOTUS has now handed Republican candidates their #1 2012 General Election issue (on the proverbial "silver platter"), which will no doubt keep GOP politicians "happily" whining well into November.

    Update  6/28/12 9:55 a.m.: The Standard-Examiner is now all over the story too:
    Update 6/28/12 1:47 p.m.: Hilarious added bonus jpeg pic via Jim Hutchins. Pretty danged funny, ya gotta admit:

    Have at it O Gentle Ones!


    Ray said...

    So now master flip flopper Mitt Fit Romney can now practice his craft. Arguing against the benefits of Romneycare he used to support in Mass. before he didn't. Spin, spin, spin, I'm getting dizzy...

    Bob Becker said...

    Up.  Utah headline should be "Supreme Court Upholds Romney Care!"

    Bob Becker said...

    Not so sure it will be the election winner you think, Rudi, since the GOP has no alternative to offer other than the Tea Party guy  who shouted "Let 'em die!" and was applauded at one meeting.  And recall, last election 60% of the voters told pollsters healtcare reform was, next to the economy, their top issue. 

    rudizink said...

     Good point, Bob.  I do believe the health care coverage issue will gain traction on BOTH sides of the aisle.

    Laura said...

    Gee, what happened to all the SCOTUS critics that said it was just a right wing court?  Obama referred to "Those unelected People" Guess who looks like a an overwrought liberal socialist now?  

    rudizink said...

     Justice John G. Roberts?

    Danny said...

    Of course the Supreme Court made the wrong decision - they usually do.  So much for you people who think they are a branch of government protecting your rights.

    Meanwhile, this could be interesting.

    Laura said...

    What is plain now is many people will not buy health care coverage until they get sick, and they can't be turned away. In most cases it will be cheaper to pay the tax than the health premium, so that is what many will do.  If too many do that, we will be like Greece and Portugal in a few years. Does anyone realize there is about 38 Trillion in unfunded liability for Medicare and Social Security in the USA?  Some day will will have to pay the piper. 

    Bob Becker said...

    Those same people are turning up today in emergency rooms without insurance, and both the taxpayers and those who have insurance are picking up the tab for them. As Sen. Orin Hatch said when he championed mandated health insurance in the late 90s, he was tired of the rest of us paying the freight for the freeloaders. That is as true today as it was when Hatch said it over a decade ago.

    Ray said...

    As Bob points out with the Hatch example, the Repubs are so insincere on this issue it hurts. They get the credit for the personal responsibility argument which they now deny. We pay the piper one way or another. This bill is not perfect but it's a start and can be tweeked as needed.  Mittens wants to keep all the popular parts but he fails to mention how to pay for it. This bill was crafted to pay as it goes and not add to the debt at the insistence of the repubs. Now that it's a responsible tax it's a problem. The party of NO is so transparent...

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