Saturday, June 23, 2012

Standard-Examiner: Brad Galvez, Lee Perry Vie for House Position

The floor's open for any WCF political wonks, who'd care to point out a dimes' worth of difference between these two GOP candidates

In the interest of assembling the most robust collection of information possible prior to Tuesday's Utah Primary election, we'll pick up where we left off yesterday and highlight Friday's online Standard-Examiner story, which calls attention to the two candidates vying for nomination in Utah's newly created House District 29, in which race two current GOP House incumbents,  Rep. Brad Galvez (District 6) and Rep. Lee Perry (District 2) are battling it out in a contest where only one of them will have the chance to return to the state legislature next year for the 2013 legislative session:
Click the links below to view each candidate's campaign website:
The winner of the June 26 primary will face Democrat Heidi Britton and the Constitution Party's Sherry Phipps in November.

The floor's open for any WCF political wonks, who'd care to point out a dimes' worth of difference between these two Republican candidates.

Consider that your morning challenge.


Hirsute said...

Here's something important to differntiate the two candidates.   Perry has visible facial hair, a definite plus for me.

rudizink said...

 Yeah.  A Hitler mustache, sorta like the one that Carl Wimmer used to wear:

Bob Becker said...

Way off topic:  Some good ink for Ogden City in the most recent issue of VIA [the AAA travel mag for members: July-Aug 2012, p. 24]. Story about the River Parkway headed "Utah's Magnetic New Trail."   

Here's how it opens: "The old railroad town of Ogden, Utah, long ago lost its brothels to boutiques and its saloons to susi bars and bistros. And now a rebirth of the Ogden River Parkway is attracting outdoor enthusiasts of all types to a paved trail that winds for eight miles along the Ogden River."    Goes on to list things to do along the trail, things to see, and includes mention of "playgrounds" without so much as once employing  the term "high adventure" to them.  I thought that worthy of mention.  Can we count on such  commitment to accuracy from the SE on similar stories?  Alas, I think not.  [See: ]

BAT_girl said...

When you are finished with this discussion, you might want to join in on the discussion happening right now on:


BAT_girl said...

From that discussion, one TEAM COMBE supporter describes their vote-getting strategy as:

"...........You are absolutely right. The
video is geared to a specific audience: Mormons in District #1. That
was on purpose. Ryan can't win without them. Hard fact, but true. And
the video takes them on their playing field: higher moral ground. Since
you're in the biz, you know how much a video can cost. It would be
lovely if Mr. Combe had the money to make a video for EVERY demographic,
but this demographic is the one that matters the most. Disenchanted
Repubs will be able to relate to him in ways they WILL NOT relate to
McAleer. I have met them both, up close and personal-like. As much as I
waned to vote in a woman Demo, I changed my mind after several telling
experiences. Bottom line? In the primary, who has the better chance of
beating Bishop? You and I, we are on the same team, we want the same
things for the most part. I'm looking at the long haul, and if a good
LDS Repub is faced with a choice between Bishop and McAleer, no matter
how much they dislike Bishop, they will vote for him rather than her.
This comes from a person (me) who was raised in this culture as a
staunch Repub. People here vote "tribal", not party ie: Bill Orton, Jon
Huntsman etc. Cheers!"

Missed the video being discussed? Politico noted it:

Bob Becker said...

Thanks for the suggestion and for posting the link. But on going over, there didn't seem to be much of a discussion going on.

Bob Becker said...

Well. BG, the Weber County Democrats have been trying to find a Cultural Lite Dem candidate who would'nt scare the LDS voters in hopes of luring them over the line so they wouldn't vote for Bishop for a decade. (Dave Thomas was the first I think.) We got crushed every time. Every single time. At WCD conventions over the years I watched strong resolution after strong resolution on hot button issues ( e.g. the invasion iof Iraq) diluted in hopes of appealing to GOP voters. Not once, not once, did adopting a diluted watered doen allegedly "inoffensuve" platform work. Not once. Strikes me it might be time not to do it yet again, pick a "he won't scare the local LDS conservatives" candidate. I heard Mr. Combe list as a strength that he' d seen yards with his sign and Lilijanquist's in them together. As a Democrat, I don't find that especially reassuring. Not reassuring at all.

Maybe we'd do better simply to put up an unrepentant, unapologetic, two-fisted dyed in the wool Democrat and let the chips fall where they may without trying to find one Republicans voting for Tea Party Lindjquist will find attractive. On these grounds Ms. McAleer strikes me as the better candidate. Her military exoerience equips her to challenge Bishop head on on one of what he thinks is his strongest issues. Combe offers nothing comprable. She seemed to me far more on top of how government actually works, how decisions involving things like base closings or downgradings are in fact made. She's been there. Her long and successful military experience may earn for her a respectful look from those who've served. Again, Combe offers nothing comprable.

And finally, at the debate I attended I was put off by Mr. Combe's repeated insistence that he'd be a stronger candidate because "my family has been here for six generations." That strikes me as wholly irrelevent with respect to a candidate's qualifications for office. I find it a little dusturbing that Mr. Combe thinks it matters, and should matter, so much.

McAleer is better qualified to be in Congress by right of her experience. And that makes her the better candidate for the Demicratic ticket in my view.

BAT_girl said...

 Thanks Bob. I have never spent much time with WE Dems as a group. I just met some of them when I worked on VOTE CARROON 2010.

Yes, I will be voting for Donna on TUES. Sorry I missed early voting.

I am more concerned about national races and national issues. I have run amuck of LDSers here in greater Ogden. That's been enough for me.

Thanks for taking the time to bring me up  to date on this history of WEBER COUNTY Dems. I really expected more of that group.

Blackrulon said...

These are the types of tough decisions the GOP has to deal with in combined districts when they can't find a Democrat to screw over.

Just wondering said...

Am I the only one who looked a little sideways at the following line out of this AAA article:

"...attracting outdoor enthusiasts of all types to a paved trail..."

Bob Becker said...

Nope. You weren't.  The article does mention waterskiing, kayaking, walking, bike riding being available along the trail, so I'd give them "outdoor enthusiasts of many types."  But all?  No. 

BAT_girl said...

 I have not read this article. But waterskiing..........along the Ogden River Parkway,  refers to the 21 ST pond, which was re-named GOODE SKI LAKE in about 6.2009. So far there is NO public access to Good Ski Pond for water skiing, that I know of. Just Dave Goode's Boat House and who he chooses to take waterskiing there.

On the Lite side of this, I did overhear Jay Lowder / OC Public Works  and Greg Montgomery / OC Planning......... discussing the Goode Ski Lake as  infested with a water borne micro-organizm called Swimmers Itch. Lowder & Montgomery laughed a lot, noting that this same micro-organism was not present in the waters of Pineview or Causey. SWIMMERS in Goode Ski Lake...........beware.

blackrulon said...

What is missing from any discussion of the 21st pond/Goode lake are the many jobs that Godfrey promised Goode would bring to the Ogden area.

BAT_girl said...

 blackrulonWhatever kind of business growth Goode Industries thought they would grow into, by moving to Ogden, the fact is that Goode Industries, as outdoor sports manufacturers have told me in the last number of years, is a very small Boutique outdoor sports company. They way Dave Goode sells his products.......he will never sell huge amounts of and he will never employ very many people. Lots of people who have worked at Goode Ski Industries here is Ogden and left........agree with that too.I have no idea what is happening with the enlargement of Goode Ski Lake (aka 21 ST pond). Since the name-change dedication, in June 2009 (which I attended) the economy has not made expansion plans like what was supposed to happen in that area.........happen. I have hiked that area recently enough, last DEC., and there are no changes except improvements in the Centennial Trail, in that area.

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