Saturday, October 20, 2012

2012 Utah Senatorial Debate - Hatch v. Howell Reprise

Listen up folks, as it's apparent Mr. Howell presents an attractive alternative in Utah's U.S. Senate Race

Earlier in the week, we attempted to post the online video of's 2012 Utah Senatorial Debate, featuring incumbent GOP Senator Orrin Hatch squaring off against Democratic Party challenger Scott Howell, for what we expected (and proved to be) a quite lively confrontation. For reasons which still remain unclear however, that video was pulled from's server.  We're now delighted to discover this morning that this informative video is once again back up for on-demand viewing; so we accordingly embed the full video here once again:

Watch 2012 Utah Senatorial Debate on PBS. See more from Utah Issues.

Listen up folks, as it's apparent Mr. Howell presents an attractive alternative in this race, especially for those of us of all political stripes who've been swearing for years: "We need to get rid of Senator-for-Life Orrin Hatch."

For for your future pre-election reference we've also placed this video in our right sidebar 2012 General Election module.

1 comment:

Marcy Taylor said...

Neither one of them are worth my vote!

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