Sunday, November 11, 2012

Standard-Examiner: All Over the "Matthew Stewart Shootemup Case" This Sunday Morning

If the Standard desires to provide the grounds for a change of trial venue, due to a tainted jury pool,  they couldn't be doing a better job... or so it seems to us

In a circumstance of exceedingly odd timing, the Standard-Examiner is all over the Matthew Stewart shootemup case this Sunday morning, with a series of stories, insets and diagrams splashed all over the front page of the hard-copy edition. Here's a link to the main story, which is accompanied by the diagram linked directly beneath it:
And here are links to a couple of companion pieces, the first of which delves into possible search warrant defects, and the latter of which consists of a very brief thumbnail sketch of the Weber-Morgan Narcotics Strike Force, the multi-jurisdictional law enforcement agency whose January 4, 2012 raid unleashed this tragic event, which has forever drastically and tragically altered the live of scores of friends, family and colleagues, both in the law enforcement community, and on the defense side of  Judge Hyde's 2d District Courtroom aisle.
While we'll concede that these items are newsworthy, inasmuch as they're designed to satisfy the curiosity of the Standard's Northern Utah readership, we do wonder about the Standard's news judgment in publishing this material, inasmuch as there exists substantial overlap between the folks who read the Standard-Examiner and those who'll ultimately comprise the jury pool, once this case comes to trial, probably sometime in the year 2013.

If the Standard desires to provide the grounds for a change of trial venue, due to a tainted jury pool,  they couldn't be doing a better job... or so it seems to us.

And what say you about this, O Gentle Ones?

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