Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Fox News 13: Gov. Herbert Says He Would Have Fired Swallow By Now, Swallow Responds - Updated

Sodden query: Does the Governor's slightly-softened statement nevertheless amount to the "kiss of death?"
I can tell you from my own viewpoint, I’m increasingly alarmed at the stuff that’s bubbling out. What I consider ethical challenges, ethical violations I can only say if he worked for me before with all this coming up, he wouldn’t be working for me today.
Utah Governor Gary Herbert - Fox 13 News
Gov. Herbert says he would have fired Swallow by now
June 11, 2013

The plot sickens for poor old beleaguered Utah Attorney General John Swallow, as yet another Utah GOP elected official, Utah Governor Gary Herbert, essentially throws Swallow "under the bus":

So what do you think, folks? With members of the House Republican caucus meeting on June 19 to consider options against embattled Attorney General John Swallow, including impeachment, does the Governor's strong statement, (which does fall short of an outright demand for resignation,) nevertheless amount to the "kiss of death" for our ethically challenged Utah Attorney General?

And at risk of short-circuiting any possible WCF reader discussion concerning this topic, we'll go out on a limb and offer our own "take" on this latest development:

The floor's open O Gentle Ones...

Update 6/12/13 10:47 p.m.  Gotta hand it to the folks of Fox 13 News.  Hot off the press, here's Swallow's response to the above linked video story:
Sadly, it looks like the State legislature's going to be forced to drag him out of office "kicking and screaming," more or less.  Here's hoping our state legislature's up to the task.


Bob Becker said...

Re: the Guv's statement. He's just picking some low hanging pr fruit. He not only won't act on his statement, he knows he can't. So making the statement costs him nothing and requires nothing of him. It's a freebie and so not particularly courageous or impressive.

blackrulon said...

I find it interesting that many elected officials ask for the investigation to end as soon as possible. Mark Shurtleff made the same request just a few months ago. Then the investigation continued and he was implicated in the ongoing probe. i think the real fear among GOP officials is that a extensive investigation will reveal even more unethical and very possibly criminal actions involving other people. Considering the the one party rule working in Utah there is a strong possibility that if the Attorney General was a appointed position Swallow would still have been appointed Attorney General.

rudizink said...

LOL! IMO, it's a pretty "courageous and impressive" statement from a typical (and politically "spineless") and "facile" GOP political chameleon, in my view.

AWM said...

"I can tell you from my own viewpoint, I’m increasingly alarmed at the stuff that’s bubbling out. What I consider ethical challenges, ethical violations I can only say if he worked for me before with all this coming up, he wouldn’t be working for me today" NEWSFLASH Gov'ner! Many of your constituents are saying the same about you. Probably Best you not be use the word ethical. It does two things. It makes you look like a hypocrite and it annoys the hell out of many of us when you have shortcomings in that department yourself

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