Tuesday, July 23, 2013

John Swallow News Roundup - Episode XXXVI: Weeding Out the Conflicts and Threats - Updated

Odd that Committee Chairman Snow failed to inform Speaker Lockhart of his potential conflict, No?

Here's the latest from the John Swallow Three-ring Circus, folks:

The ever-savvy Utah political blogger Daniel Burton wonders: "Could Utah Attorney General John Swallow be preparing to sue the state for civil rights violations if he is impeached?":
The Tribune fleshes out the profiles of the nine committee members who'll conduct the the Swallow investigation:
The above investigative committee roster may not be "chiseled in granite" however, as the Trib reports that "House Speaker Becky Lockhart met Monday with [Committee Chairman] Rep. Lowry Snow, but said she hasn’t decided whether legal work he did for a key player in the John Swallow scandal will prompt her to replace the St. George lawmaker as head of the House committee investigating Utah’s top law-enforcement officer":
Careful and prudent lawyers routinely resort to extreme measures to detect potential conflicts of interest in their own law practices.  Odd that Rep. Snow failed to inform Speaker Lockhart of this potential problem prior to his appointment, No?

Update 7/23/13 11:29 a.m.: Breaking: We've just learned from Utah Political Capitol that "[t]he Lieutenant Governor's office has announced they have hired the huge lawfirm Snell & Wilmer to investigate Alliance for a Better UTAH's elections-fraud complaints against Attorney General John Swallow. According to UPC's initial search of the lawfirm's 200+ partners, there were 0 direct donations made to Swallow's election campaign."

Update 7/23/13 12:28 p.m.:  Great graphic:

Update 7/24/13 5:00 a.m.: The Standard confirms the above-referenced UPC report, which first broke the story concerning the retention of the Snell & Wilmer law firm:

1 comment:

smaatguy said...

thanks for the updates....it's like being in the bin of a Dyson vacuum isn't it?

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